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2023-11-21 10:57     作者 :    


  1、阅 读 部 分

  1. 金属(铜 铁)冶炼技术对人类历史进程的深刻影响2. 昆虫如何通过含有毒素来保护自己的同类。一些昆虫在自己的体内合成毒素,一些昆虫则储存植物中含有的毒素。举例:孟买蝴蝶通过身上的有毒物质来保护自己。3.美国的艺术和文化4.鹰鹃的巢寄生行为

  2、听 力 部 分


  3、口 语 部 分

  Task1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Restaurants should provide nutritional information about the food items on their menu.食物包装上应不应该有营养信息?

  Task2学生戏剧俱乐部将会进行选拔,学生们将会在一段短的场景中进行表演,根据他们的表演能力来进行选拔(淘汰)。听力反对1. 应该帮助有兴趣的学生而不是把他们淘汰掉2. 增加另一场演出来让所有真正想参与的人参与,并且可以通过演出另一场戏剧来赚更多的钱。

  Task 3一家公司授权另一家位于不同国家的公司制造和销售其产品,以换取利润份额。外国公司更了解当地文化,可以成功地在当地市场推销产品。举例:一家厨房电器公司开发了一款非常小巧、成功销售的冰箱,认为这种冰箱在日本也可能很畅销。于是让一家日本厨具公司在当地制造这种冰箱并使用同样的名称销售产品,日本公司熟悉日本客户的需求和偏好,还制作了一个成功的广告。双赢

  Task 4北极动物通过体重变化来过冬的策略。1. 在食物充足的温暖月份,它们会暴饮暴食,增加体重。然后在冬季尽可能保持静止,利用多余的脂肪储备能量。例,某些松鼠2. 会减少进食并减轻体重。因为较轻的身体就说明它们需要的能量更少。因此它们可以在少量食物的情况下保持活跃并进行正常的活动。例,驯鹿

  4、写作 部 分


  Great Zimbabwe石头建筑群的用途

  阅读1. 谷仓储存谷物,storing grains;2. 挖金矿gold mining ;3. 天象观测astronomical observatory,是跟巨石阵一样的功能

  听力反驳1. 外表看起来像garbage,里面只有两个小房间,而且也没有发现谷物;2. 人们在建造这些建筑的时候,并不知道不知道有黄金;3. 像巨石阵那样的古代天文观测设施有非常特殊的设计,但是Great Zimbabwe的结构之间的角度和距离似乎并未为了进行任何特定的astronomical observatory天象观测

  学术讨论 Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.In your response, you should do the following.Express and support your opinion.Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.An effective response will contain at least 100 words.


  This week we talked about how important taking time off from work or school is for people's well-being. Some people believe they get the most benefit when that time off is structured: that is it involves planning in advance about what will be accomplished on that day. Others believe it is better to enjoy the day with no plan for how to spend it, In this discussion post please indicate which of those approaches to spending time off from work or school you prefer and why?

  学生1I find it beneficial to do some advance planning for my free time. I live far away from my family so when I am getting ready to visit them during a school holiday, l always plan my time off from school very carefully. That way l have enough time to visit with each family member.

  学生2Personally, I prefer not to make any plans for my free time. I go to school, and l have a part-time job each week. I make a schedule to be sure l can complete both my work and my studies. So when l have time off from work and school, l just want to relax with no plan.

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