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2013-08-05 12:00     作者 :    


  61.It’s a pro-democracy movement. And it’s not only Chinese, it is global. 这是一场民主化运动,这不仅是中国人的追求,而是世界性的运动。在谈到民主化时,在democracy前要加pro这个前缀,表示拥护。

  62.Genuine pro-democracy movements are always profoundly threatening to those with their polished boots on the necks of the poor. 真正的民主运动势必会从根本上动摇那些骑在穷人身上作威作福人的利益。Polished boots擦得锃亮的靴子,the neck of the poor穷人的脖子,这个词组很形象,就是富人阶层把穿了靴子的脚架在穷人的脖子上。
  63.China will not move forward towards the ultimate goal of universal suffrage without the active participation of the citizens.没有公民的积极参与,中国就不能进步,达到普选的最终目标。Universal suffrage人人都投票。
  65.Without human rights and political freedoms, we are simply a bunch of pigs. Without checks and balance, man will surely abuse power and concentrate power, and eventually dictatorship is born. abuse power 滥用权力,concentrate power 抓权,
  67.We’re learning to reach out across borders and many other barriers, finding out how to affirm our common humanity while struggling against the dictatorship.我们在渐渐地学习如何跨越各团体之间的界限、打破各团体之间的障碍,学习寻找如何来追求我们普遍的人类价值,同时一起与专制作斗争。
 71.She’s really pretty, isn’t she? Her skin looks so baby smooth! 她太靓了。你看她的皮肤,看上去就像婴孩一样光滑。
  72.It is no good to put lots of make-up and notion on your face. It is better to look natural. 把那么多化妆品往脸上堆实在不好,自然美看起来更好。
  73.It is good to put cucumbers on your face every night. These are natural skin soothers, natural healers of the skin. They soften the skin, wipe out the roughness, remove lines and age signs.每晚在脸上贴些黄瓜效果不错。这是一种天然润肤、天然理疗皮肤的方法。黄瓜能使皮肤细嫩,使皮肤光滑,消除皱纹,让人显得更年轻。
  74.My darling, if my breasts were saggy, would you still love me? 这是女人最担心的一个问题。
  75.My forehead is wrinkled, the eyes are puffy, the sacks under the eyes are dark, and the skin is no longer as resilient as it was. I need a plastic surgery, and a breast enlargement. (我额头满是皱纹,眼睛浮肿,眼袋发黑,皮肤也不再像以前那么光亮,我要去做美容手术和隆胸。)
  76. Darling, Beijing Mall is having a big sale this weekend. You wanna go? But we are broke this month. Well, we still can do window shopping. Women, women. 亲爱的,这个周末北京商厦大甩卖,你要去吗?可是这个月我们已经破产了呀。那也不要紧,我们去饱饱眼福就行了。女人呀,女人。Window shopping 就是去商场逛逛,什么也不买。
  77. I am a woman in love. And I do anything to get you into my world. 这是一首歌里的歌词。
  78. I really love him to death. I am head over heels in love with him. Head over heels 翻了一个跟头,晕头转向,爱得死去活来,神魂颠倒。He was running so fast that when he jumped and got hit he went head over heels. 也可以说:I have been head over heels about my girlfriend since the day I met her.
  79. Shop until you drop. Drop 这里的意思是,你买东西多得都拿不下了,东西直掉,所以可以译为:“手不塞满,采购不停”。“只要还能提得动,采购一路就不停”。She is type of woman of shop until you drop. 她是那种采购狂女人。(她进了商店就什么都想买。)
  80. Isn’t my baby the most beautiful baby in the world? 每个母亲都有权力吹这个牛。
以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的托福常用口语100句(四),希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/toefl/kouyu/

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