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2013-08-21 14:44     作者 :    



 Describe a place you have never been to but like to go someday.
  I would go to New Zealand for a trip if I had a chance. It's a lovely country, made up two islands. It is very lush(青葱的) and green because it rains a lot there. I would do a lot of different things and one thing I would definitely do is to swim with the dolphins. One of my friends ever did it, which she said was very interesting. At first, she was only brave enough to pat them and then she got braver and held on to one's fin while it took her for a swim. They moved very quickly and gracefully through the water and it was fascinating(棒极了). So the place for a trip would be New Zealand! I’d like to go to Japan if I have a chance.Visiting the Fuji mountain is one of my dreams, you know the peak covered with snow stands there erectly stretching up to the sky ,it is just fascinating. The beautiful scenery of the countryside and the modern amenities in the cities are both attractive to me.What’s more, I am very interested in Japanese history and culture. If I could go there I could deepen my understanding of them.In addition, Japanese girls are very soft and tender which sounds fascinating to me. I am really eager to make friends with them and maybe I could find a charming girl friend.
以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的托福口语范文之描述一个你很想去但又没去过的地方,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/toefl/kouyu/

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