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2013-09-02 15:26     作者 :    


Please,please,I don't have a lot of time.


听着 Ramona总算打瞌睡了 你得帮我甩了她


Look,Ramona finally dozed off,and I need you to help me get rid of her.


甩了她? 怎么个甩法?


Get rid of her how?


我不知道 但显然我正处于某种关系中


I don't know,but apparently I'm in some kind of relationship,




and you seem to be an expert at ending them.




Excuse me?


我看见男人们一个接一个从这儿离开 倒是没见过再回来的


I see man after man leaving this apartment never to return.


Sheldon 你真的很宽宏大量 谢谢你 我很感激


Sheldon,this was big of you. Thank you. I really appreciate it.




Thank you.


- 晚安 Sheldon - Penny...


- Good night,Sheldon. - Penny...


- 啥? - 你有一手


- Yes? - Well played.




Thank you.


但请记住 能力越大 责任越大 (出自)


Just rember: with great power comes great responsibility.






不是厉害 是错误 我没有改我的状态呀


It's not bold,it's a mistake. I didn't change my status.




Well,then who did?


我没的选择 他在她面前哭了


I had no choice. He cried in front of her.


我明白 你这么做觉得自己很大方 但赠送礼物的基础原则是礼尚往来


I know you think you're being generous,but the foundation of gift-giving is reciprocity.




You haven't given me a gift.




You've given me an obligation.


别太郁闷 Penny 一般新手都会犯这个错误


Don't feel bad,Penny,it's a classic rookie mistake.


我和Sheldon过的个光明节 他吼了我八夜


My first Hanukah with Sheldon,he yelled at me for eight nights.


没事的 你用不着回赠礼物的


Now,hey,it's okay. You don't have to get me anything in return.




Of course I do.


风俗的精髓就在于 我得去给你买份价值相当的礼物


The essence of the custom is that I now have to go out and purchase for you a gift of commensurate value


才能够代表你的礼物 所表达的相同的情意


and representing the same perceived level of friendship as that represented by the gift you've given me.


怪不得每年这个时候 自杀率狂飙呀


It's no wonder suicide rates skyrocket this time of year.


忘了这事吧 我不会送你礼物了


Okay,you know what? Forget it. I'm not giving you a present.


不 太迟了 我看见了


No,it's too late. I see it.




That elf sticker says,"To Sheldon."


就是啊 看别人热闹最乐呵


I know. It's funny when it's not happening to us.


Sheldon 我真的非常抱歉


Sheldon,I am very,very sorry.


不 我自找的 谁叫我出现在你生命里 又那么可爱 那么举足轻重呢


No. No,I brought this on myself by being such an endearing and important part of your life.




I'm going to need a ride to the mall.


风水轮流转 我们该倒霉了


It's happening to us.




That presupposes Penny is tense.


她了解你 她会压力很大的 咱不都是嘛 快买礼品篮吧!


She knows you. She's tense. We all are. Buy a basket!


喔 太好了 Penny 你终于来交换礼物了


Ah,good,Penny,you're here to exchange gifts.


你一定很高兴 因为我的回礼准备很周到哦


You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared for whatever you have to offer.

以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的托福口语材料之生活大爆中的炸经典台词(4),希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/toefl/kouyu/


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