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2013-10-08 15:59     作者 :    



  Now the overflow of talents to other countries presents a serious problem to the sustainable development of our country and government should try every way possible to check this trend and guarantee the survival and competitiveness of our country on the international stage.

  Many people who go abroad are high school and college graduates, on whom our country has invested a tremendous amount of money. Why should we, the government and tax-payers educate talents for other countries?

  China now faces a painful shortage of qualified personnel, and still, one batch after another are going abroad. It’s imperative to stop any further talent loss through stricter restrictions.

  Many people who go abroad to seek fortunes end up doing menial and demeaning jobs, which are indecent to the kind of education they have received. What they should do is to become more patriotic and come back and contribute to the construction of China into a powerful and rich country.

  It’s true that some people go abroad to learn advanced science and technology, yet many of the things they learn abroad cannot be applied to China. And many people who go abroad at such a young age cannot even understand their own culture and are easily influenced by Western ideas. Gradually, they lose both their cultural integrity and sound judgment.


  The brain drain should not be stopped by restrictions because they can only prevent people from going abroad, but can never guide them to serve our country whole-heartedly.

  Restrictions are useless, because in China there are always ways to get around restrictions and many people have already found ways to do so.

  When people stay abroad after education and have found their success, they become a positive representation for their own country as they contribute to the overseas community. People will think higher for their mother country simply because of their level of success. They’re gonna be thinking, “Wow. Look at that Chinese guy, with that much business achievement. China is a powerful country after all, huh?” So in this sense, it’s not really a bad idea for some talents to choose to stay overseas.

  It’s true a growing number of people choose not to return to their own country after overseas education, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that their country will cease to develop without them. There’re still many people in the country undertaking to make the country a better place. Instead of blaming the overseas talents, we should rely more on what’s available inside the country already, our own effort. And in terms of cultivating talents, yeah, it’s true that most overseas colleges are more effective in education, but many domestic universities also have excellent education capabilities. So we should really concentrate on producing our own excellent talents than to wait passively for those to return from overseas education.

  China is a country with a super-sized population, and this creates massive pressure of employment internally. And the fact that many overseas students do not plan to come back and work at home, in a sense, will absorb some of the employment pressure. The government will feel less stressed for generating more jobs.

  We welcome all people to come back to China after foreign education, but we should not neglect the fact that many people also bring home negative lifestyles to their motherland. By this, I mean some bad habits that are typically western lifestyle, such as drug abuse, materialistic outlook on life, over-indulgence in sex and reckless violence, and the list will just go on and on. So just to ask all people to come back without choosing the suitable ones, is blind. Some people who are deeply involved in western lifestyle should stay abroad—they’re going to feel happier, and it’s sound for economic, legal and societal reasons.

  The reason for us to receive education is to make ourselves happier. It’s true that a citizen should perform his / her obligation to their country, but before that at least he or she should make themselves happy. If you feel sad because you find you’re more suited to live overseas, yet you have come back to your country, you will not be in the mood to do your country a satisfactory service. So to come back or to stay overseas needs to be decided on a person-to-person basis. Who says that if a person stays overseas he or she will not be able to contribute to his / her mother country? People can still do charity or socially beneficial things for their own country in a different country.

以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的托福口语话题分析之人才流失,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/toefl/kouyu/

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