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2013-10-08 16:01     作者 :    


  Diet doesn’t mean that you stop eating food. It’s more of a way of regulating your eating pattern by consuming food of more nutritional value. It’s not how much you eat but what you eat. Keeping a rational diet is a complete system of knowledge.

  When we eat the same kind of food for too long, toxin accumulates in our body. The sensible thing to do is to change your food structure a little. For example, if you eat too much meat, then you can try to switch to vegetarian food. This way, you’re de-toxing.

  In the United States, approximately 1/3 of people are overweight and suffer from obesity. And it’s surprising to see that these people are fat from hunger cause they can’t afford a balanced diet, or the level of their education has not reached the point to provide them the awareness that staying in shape is as important as stuffing their stomachs.

  It’s paramount for people to realize the importance of keeping fit by going on a diet. People should on the one hand eat food little calorie and lots of nutrition and on the other hand back their diet up with regular exercise.

  We should take 2 eggs a day. Some nutrition scientists believe that the health benefits of eggs are underestimated.

  Over-diet is harmful to our body. We should make a clear difference between being slim and being skinny. When you’re slim, you’re in shape in a healthy way whereas when you’re skinny, you often leave people an impression of mal-nutrition. I think the fashion industry today is sending out a wrong message, being thin is being fabulous. Everybody is trying to squeeze into size zero. And they even reach into their throat after eating, so they can throw up the food. After sometime, they realized that they’ve invited anorexia. A celebrity, Victoria Bechham is a size negative 2, and she said, and I quote, “Negative 2 is the new size zero. ” The consequence is that many young people are following such an unhealthy way of life blindly after their “idol”. Who’s to say what damage this will bring to their bodies later in life? Kate Winslet being another celebrity in the public eye is setting up a positive example for young people by being well-rounded and plump. Her natural body shape and healthy charisma are certainly inspiration for people to live healthily.

  Healthy as diet can be, it can still be quite insufferable. You will feel hungry and will be tempted to eat when you’re not supposed to. But if you look at the bright side, it’s a golden opportunity to exercise your will power, I mean your ability to control yourself.

  Not everyone is a nutritionist. The first step of forming a healthy diet is ask doctor, diet expert, or a more experience friend for advice. You can also consult the internet. Remember more haste, less speed. Diet is a serious matter, before we make a mistake, we need to be really careful.

  Cooking is the most enjoyable item on the list of all housework. It’s the most creative and relaxing thing to do at home. If you’re imaginative enough, you can come up with different recipes by combining a variety of ingredients. Cooking can be totally inspirational. And when you’re peeling a potato, cutting up vegetables, or preparing meat you can temporarily forget all your problems at work, with your friends or in study. Cooking a nice meal for your family is an excellent way of saying, “Mom, Dad, I love you.” The memory will be made, and affection expressed.

  Food, being various in kinds, is one of the Godsent gifts to human beings. With food in life, we can enjoy living on this earth with more expectations. When we go to different cities, we have the opportunity to experience local cuisines, and through the subtle tastes we gain insights into the lifestyles of local people. Our memories of holidays and birthdays are also connected somehow with food. Fish, dumplings for Chinese Spring Festival, Turkey, apple pie for Christmas, chocolate for Easter and St Valentine’s day. So by eating a certain food, we’re unlocking a special piece of our memory in our mind. Food can remind us of many life events.

以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的托福口语话题分析之节食,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/toefl/kouyu/

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