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2013-10-08 16:04     作者 :    



  If I were ever asked the question about what time in my life is the greatest, the answer would undoubtedly be college life. Talking about it now is a little weak, since I’m still in my high school and have no real understanding of college life what-so-ever except for what I heard and saw. It still doesn’t change the fact that I’m looking forward to it. Why? Because it WILL be the most memorable four years in my life. Now let me tell you why.

  Firstly, these four years will be the years that I grow up both physically and intellectually. After four years, I will be a full-grown adult as compared to a teenager that I am now. Through participating in a variety of different sport clubs, I will build up my body. Plus, I’m huge fan for many sports. Inter-college sports games provide me an opportunity to love the games I love both as a fan and as a player. So these intramurals are one reason I’m looking forward to the best time of my life, college, because it builds my body up. On the other hand, I’m convinced that the most important lesson in college for a person is to learn to be independent, to live on his or her own. During college, we’ll all have enough time to think about the vital question of “Who am I?” We’ll figure out who we were, who we are and who we want to be. And through such thinking, we’ll become much more mature. And together with the syllabus we receive, we’ll grow up intellectually. So our personality and world views are shaped in college. Isn’t that exciting?

  The second reason is that in college I’ll have the freedom to pursue the study that I’m really interested in. And this is very different between high school and universities. Make no mistake about it, I’m not arguing that high school is bad because it does help you to build your academic foundations in life. But just the way the classes are arranged for you, I could agree with that. Students need to be given the democracy to choose the classes they want to learn and the professors they want to follow. And high school provides no such chances; colleges do. By registering for courses, students are given the liberty to study what they’re really interested in and what they think really useful later in life. If you enjoy it, you’ll probably be really good at it. If you’re good at it, you’ll possibly choose a future career around it. So in a sense, the freedom of academic studies in college will shape future directions of a person. Isn’t that exhilarating?

  (There’re considerable concerns over the dark side of college life. Some people argue that students lack discipline. And they go out of normal ways and commit things they regret, such as vandalism and other illegal activities. Yet, it still doesn’t change the fact that these four years are beneficial to any individual from a variety of different aspects. )

  I’m in the prime of my life. College is a place I want spend my prime in. The ivory tower has much attraction to me. I want to grow up in it and I look forward to pursuing my interest in it, and I will certainly not do what I’m not supposed to do in it. College is the best time in anyone’s life, I have no doubt.

以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的托福口语话题分析之大学是一生中的时光吗,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/toefl/kouyu/

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