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2013-10-14 17:16     作者 : 王文敬    



  既然是托福实用主义至上者,我们就开门见山少说废话(偶尔吐槽不算)。托福口语有战略,有两个fair,一个limited,口语20+不是梦。显然,Task1,2,3,5就是我们的突破点,Task4,6对于时间精力有限的托友而言更具挑战。但很多同学对于Task 1 & 2都深感头痛,其中不乏英语能力较好者。明明自己平时和老外还能神侃几句,眉飞色舞。为什么上考场看到题目就头脑空白,听到beep就紧张出汗,不得不硬着头皮磕磕巴巴敷衍过去。Limited到手,无语凝噎。

  托福是语言考试,大部分同学必须要下功夫准备才能达到理想的效果。想着到时看看1,2题,随缘之类,风险很大。当务之急,我们必须正视自己的问题并攻破口语的道关卡 T1& T2,步步提升。

  Step 1:熟悉固定题目 + 写转换小片段


  -Describe your favorite place when you were a child. Explain why you like it most.

  -Describe a park or public area that you often go to and explain why it is important.

  -Describe a place that you would like to go with your friends and explain why.

  -Where would you like to live most, mountain, forest, beach or desert?

  -Describe your favorite area in the city or town you live in and explain why

  -Describe a place you’ve never been to but always wanted to visit someday.

  我的建议是全部用海边,beach之类替换。之所以喜欢这些地方是因为 1.有个带花园的公园(虽然有点绕口),里面有各种漂亮的热带花朵和植物,赏心悦目。 A beautiful scenic park with a small garden. There are various vivid local blooms and other plants ,such as orchid, vanilla and coconut trees. 2. 可以考虑讲sunny days and water sports 3. Sea food


  除了让你describe,托福口语还常问你喜不喜欢,喜欢哪个,重不重要,应不应该做等话题。我们至少可以再补充出10- 20个“万金油理由”,以应对“选不出来症”和“选择综合症”。我们在课堂上已经介绍得非常详细了,受制于篇幅,这里稍微举例说明,请看下面随手整理出的几个万金油理由,再对应你遇到的托福口语题,如:

  Letter VS. email,visiting museum,watch movies at home VS. theatre,cooking at home VS. eating out ``````

  1. It’s a great relaxation

  2. It’s eco-friendly

  3. It’s a great exercise which helps me to keep fit/ It is healthier

  4. It can strengthen my family bond

  5. I can meet all kinds of people who work in almost every area like _ _ and __,and make friends with them.

  6. It is an eye feast and it really broaden my mind.

  哪些可以通用?Got an idea?

  Step 2 :熟悉机经 + 思路替换和补充

  T1和2的题越来越奇葩,比如选择种树还是打扫公园,给朋友一些学数学的建议(让讨厌数学的人情何以堪),朋友给你的一个惊喜(oh,这真是托福给我的惊吓)。除了灵活应用Step 1 还需熟悉近期出现的机经,查漏补缺。

  Step 3:熟悉结构



  分:连接词 + 理由1 + 提示词 + Examples/ Details正面/反例( 句子间该用连接词要继续用)

  连接词 + 理由2 + 提示词 + Examples/ Details 正面/反例 (同上)


  例题:some students study for classes individually, others study in groups. Which one do you think it’s better?

  Personally, I prefer to study in groups for the following 2 reasons. 态度/主题

  Fist of all连接词,

  studying in groups provides mutual help. 理由1

  For example, 提示词

  students who study in groups often share the lecture notes and in this way they can make sure everyone understands all the material that has been covered in a course. 例子1

  And another reason is that 连接词

  studying in groups makes it possible for the more capable students to help the less capable students.理由2

  Like, 提示词

  in high school, i was not very good at math that my classmates who were very good at maths always tried to explain to me the solutions when we studied together.例子2

  So,these are the reasons. 鉴于时间紧张,做一个简短总结。


  Step 4:15秒关键词 + 45秒陈述练习

  上课时发现同学们都莫名害怕计时,但反而我认为练习了20- 30道题左右就需引入时间概念。一方面是适应考试,另一方面是测试自己准备的内容,说话的语速和熟练度-- 是否能够在45秒内清晰,流畅,完整表达。

  15秒的时间最多写4个单词,如果Step3完成较好,那么我们只用写reason1,example 1,reason 2,example2各一个key word. 45秒的陈述时间,建议不要图快,而是要发音清晰易懂,语速适中。练习方面请参看新航道其他托福口语专题,祝托友们成功晋级!

  以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的新托福IBT口语Task1&Task2实用备考4步走,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福频道 http://www.xhd.cn/toefl/

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