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2014-02-27 11:13     作者 :    


  3、是讲一个学校推出了一个新的announcement给freshman, Biology department. 说学生一起学习(group study)可以best know the equipment and improve academic study, and in addition, can meet and make new friends. However, in the conversation, the girl said the study group sort of thing doesn’t help. Because people have their own way to study, expect those who don’t know how to study. So she prefers to work alone. The second point is that she thinks that if people in the same department, they will have class together, so they eventually will meet each other. So you don’t really need to go to the study group.
  4、讲的是货币的形式,说的是1,货币是coin and paper bonds。例子是如果你坐出租车,你付给driver的是钱。还有一种方式是以物易物,说一个农夫坐出租车,他可以给机他的农产品,如果司机同意了,那这个时候农产品就是钱。但是,政府规定了我们现在使用种方式。
  5、首先,一个男人说, he works in the bookstore in college. His job is to carry heavy box which contains books. However, last week he went to help his friend to move to the new apartment. He injured himself. Doctor said that he can’t carry heavy things for a month. So he went back to talk to his boss, his boss offered him a job to be a cashier in bookstore, however, the schedule for cashier only opens in the morning. He has a physic group study at that time. The physic group is important to him coz he improved grade OOXX. So he went to find a dish washer job in cafeteria which fits his schedule. However, if he takes the job in cafeteria, he won’t have the discount to buy books in bookstore, which saved him a lot every semester….所以他还是没结论。。。
  6、讲的是solidarity的问题,说这个社会有2个方式,一个是所有人都一起工作,所以share the same experience, challenge OOXX。举了个例子是famer 说他们一起工作OOXX然后另一个方式是 each individuals in the society depends on each other 举了个例子是说在town里有老师。各种各样的工作,这些人都是一起工作,大家depends on each other。
  1、怎么improve 国家的education system 给出你们国家用的方式解释。
  2、listening the audio书和read book 你喜欢那个。
  3、share dorm 是否要分享宿舍并选舍友在大学第二年以后,女的反对
  4、information bias: When people make decisions, they always think they need more information than they really do. For example, the professor's friend wanted to hire an assistant a few years ago, they found a great candidate at the beginning, he thought he was so experienced. However, he also interviewed some other people after that, when he called the first candidate, he already had another job, and so the professor's friend could not hire that person .
  5、女生要出去度假一周,但是pet bird没法喂。1、委托朋友喂,但是朋友忙,住的离她的宿舍远2、送到一个专门寄养动物的地方,缺点是贵
  6、讲类似加盟店之类的,说有两个draw backs,个是总公司让各个分店没有创新的空间,举例子说比如加盟饭店,总公司规定了菜单之类的东西,分店想加某个创新菜就不符合规定。第二个是,一个分店的声誉影响着其他分店。还是饭店的例子,一个饭店脏,那么人们就会觉得其他分店也这样
  1、What kind of food do you recommend to add to food menu on campus cafeteria?
  2、Some people like to buy new but expensive books while others prefer to buy old but cheap ones。 Which would you prefer?
  学校要弄一个新的mentoring program,是let fourth grade student to mentor first year students。有两个好处:
  (1) to help 1st year student,help 1st year student adapt to college life more quickly, because senior students know much more than the freshmen;
  (2) to help 1st year student to know some senior students to expand social connection。
  (1) 大一的都不知道,比如说schedule change,building location,他们都不知道,所以有个人能deliver those information的话会很有帮助;
  (2) 他大一的时候认识的人都是大一的或者住在一起的很局限,能认识更多不同年级的人的话会更好。
  听力:教授举了一个例子说卖office equipment的公司,sales groups。他们的奖金跟sales有很大的关系,分成两组:组人就直接看了,看完以后实验的人问他们什么感想?他们啥感想也没,对那个人没印象;第二组的人看完以后比较focus on personality,并且对他有比较好的印象都觉得这个人很qualified,会成为一个很好的销售人员。
  5、女生要完成商科的paper:采访一个magazine的创始人,为了学习关于how to start up business, the businessman called to cancel the interview because he has to attend a last-minute conference and will not be able to be back(out of town了) until next week。解决方法有二:(1)wait for that person to come until next week,但会给那个女生less time to write paper;(2)interview another person from the list given by the professor,但是area会不一样,女生对那个magazine很感兴趣。
  6、某种种植crop rotation的方式有什么优势,一是保存营养物质restore the nutrients in soil,Wheat uses up nitrogen, planting bean will restore nitrogen;二是清除害虫decrease insects。 Some insects eat wheat, planting beans reduces this kind of insects。
以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的14个托福口语重点备考题Ⅱ,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/toefl/kouyu/


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