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2020-02-07 20:58     作者 :    



  托福口语练习题:Are children the trouble of parents?


  I do understand why people regard children the trouble of parents, because

  拓展细节:taking care of children needs a lot of time and energy, and what’s more, it needs a lot of sacrifice, needs parents to give up their personal way of life, and personal interests have to give the way to the children needs, but, thousands of family choose to have their own children, and as far as I know, few of them regret doing so, because many people obtain the true happiness in taking care of the next generation,

  拓展细节:apart from the primitive genetic design of humankinds, people can really feel happiness when staying with their children, a family dinner, for example can best illustrate this point,

  拓展细节:when your children are telling something he just learned, , it is like your are gaining a new life experience, you feel happiness when your children learn something new.

  So, people who choose to have children cannot only have the sense of love, safety, but also gain the companionship, which people can not obtain otherwise. to communicate, to educate your children can be a real source of happiness. that's why children are not the trouble of parents.


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