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2020-05-11 13:13     作者 :    


  关于新托福口语评分标准,备考指导 (托福官方指南) 上都有详细的说明,以下列3点作为自己的评分准则:

  1. Delivery: How clear your speech is. Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns。

  2. Language Use: How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Raters will be looking to see how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary。

  3. Topic Development: How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas. Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the pr**ression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow。

  总结下来,即考生必须尽量做到使自己的语言流畅、清晰、易懂,并且能够熟练使用口语词汇。其中“流畅”要求考生要以较流畅的语速表述自己的观点,其实也是提醒考生必须有效利用时间。通常内容越丰富、信息量越大,越容易得高分。而清晰、易懂不仅要求考生的语音、语调应当尽量符合native speakers的习惯,更重要的是要求考生应恰当使用词汇、句型并且话语的层次应尽量清楚明了、过渡自然。

  其次,切题是前提。官方新托福口语评分标准中把是否切题从“头”说到 “尾”,标准中句就是:得满分者:“the response fulfills the demands of the task”,到最后一句拿零分的: “speaker makes no attempt to respond or response is unrelated to the topic”. 其实 “no response” 也是一种答案,不过并不是题目要求所在。所有从这里可以看出理解题目意思准确作答的重要性。



  第二步便是字词,通览官方评分标准,没有提及所谓的词汇,拿四分的要求也只是: “Contains generally effective word choice. Though some minor (systematic) errors or imprecise use may be noticeable, they do not obscure meaning”.

  第三句子这个层面也是一样,引述评分标准:“the response demonstrates good control of basic and complex grammatical structures that allow for coherent and efficient expression of relevant ideas”. 复杂的语法结构固然重要,但是做不到使句子之间结构条理清晰的“复杂”也是徒劳,反而不如简单句表意来得明了有效。



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