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2020-05-09 14:38     作者 :    




  Revealing Coloration

  Many animals use coloration to protect themselves from predators. One defensive strategy involving the use of coloration is what is known as revealing coloration.Animals employing this strategy have an area of bright color on some part of their body; this bright color is usually hidden from predators' view. When approached by a predator, the animal suddenly reveals the area of bright color; this unexpected display of color startles or confuses the predator and provides the would-be prey with an opportunity to escape.


  这里大家不难发现Revealing Coloration的定义就是我画下划线的这句话。这里有几个大家在寻找定义时候可以使用的Tips:

  1. 凡是在阅读中看到“is know as”, “is called”, “is referred to as”, “people refer to this as”, “people call this”等表达,此表达的前一句一般就是定义。


  3. 需要注意,不是所有的阅读中都有现成的定义句,在个别时候,同学们需要自己去总结概念的定义。


  Revealing Coloration

  Many animals use coloration to protect themselves from predators. One defensive strategy involving the use of coloration is what is known as revealing coloration. Animals employing this strategy have an area of bright color on some part of their body; this bright color is usually hidden from predators' view. When approached by a predator, the animal suddenly reveals the area of bright color; this unexpected display of color startles or confuses the predator and provides the would-be prey with an opportunity to escape.



  1. area of bright color

  2. color:hidden

  3. approached →reveal the area of color

  4. startle / confuse (预判会举两个例子)

  5. escape




  There is a large tropical insect called the Peanut Bug, yes like the peanuts that you eat.Um and the peanut bug's front wings are colored so that they blend in with their surroundings.But its back wings, which are usually closed and hidden, have these bright colorful spots on them and when the peanut bug's attacked, it suddenly opens its back wings and out pop these big bright colors. And thatsurprises the predator and gives the peanut bug a chance to get away.



  Peanut Bug

  1.Back wings: bright colorful spots

  2.Close and hidden

  3.Be attacked → open wings & out pop colors

  4.Surprise predator

  5.Get away


  Um and then you have a butterfly called the morpho Butterfly, and parts of the morpho butterfly's wings are very shiny. They reflect a lot of sunlight. When this butterfly is resting, this shiny part of its wings ishidden. Now morpho butterflies are often attacked by birds. So when a bird approaches, the morpho flies away. And when the morph flaps its wings, all the bird can see are flashes of light reflected from the morpho's wings. Those flashes of light make it very difficult for the bird to follow the morpho, and the morpho is usually able to get away.



  Morpho Butterfly

  1. Parts of the wings: shiny

  2. Resting, hidden

  3. Attacked by a bird → fly away & reflect sunlight

  4. Bird:diff to follow

  5. Get away



  Revealing coloration is a defensive strategy involving the use of coloration. And the professor gives us two examples. In the first example, peanut bug’s back wings have some bright colorful spots on them and the wings are usually hidden, but when the peanut bug is attacked, it will open its back wings and reveal the bright colorful spots, which surprises the predator, so the peanut bug can have a chance to escape. In the second example, some parts of morpho butterfly’s wings are shiny and can reflect the sunlight. When it’s resting, the shiny parts are normally hidden, but when it is approached by a bird, it will fly away.And when it flaps its wings, the shiny parts will reflect the sunlight, so the flashes of light will make it difficult for the bird to follow. As a result, the morpho butterfly is able to escape.



  1. 考生在总结听力中的例子时,应当首先抓住例子的核心信息(那些能够证明阅读中学术概念的语句),根据自己的听力能力和语速适当增加次要的信息,不必太纠结细节。比如本题中个例子里front  wings这个信息点能力强的学生,保证能够60s内说完也可以加进去。

  2. 如果听力部分中出现专有名词(如动物植物的名字),比如此题中,考生可以用a kind of bug 和 a kind of butterfly来代替;或者可以看题干,并模仿发音,一般题干会出现例子里复杂的动物植物名。不会说专有名词不会造成扣分。

  3. 不要将阅读和听力部分拆开回答,也就是不要在回答时说”In the reading material... , In the lecture...”,因为综合题就是要综合阅读和听力信息来回答,而不是打两个部分分开处理。

  4. 当考场上出现阅读的概念没有抓住时,可以一上来就说听力的例子,把听力中的例子清晰、完整的讲清楚,并在最后提到阅读的学术概念词,比如你可以说: As you can see, this is the example which can demonstrate what is 概念词.

  5. 阅读的这个学术概念词发音不标准不会造成扣分。



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