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解析新托福口语Task 6常考题型

2012-08-30 00:00     作者 :    



   在托福口语6个话题中,越到后面的话题就越有难度,是需要发挥出个人实力的,task 6是要带进个人观点的,而且内容包罗万象。那么怎样针对这些类别的题型进行回答呢?今天导师为大家解析托福口语task 6常考的题型,内容涉及的非常全面,希望考生可以通过这些常考题型,进行练习,以做到全面的准备。




  The lecture tells about two main methods which can be used to reinforce people. It states that reinforcement of behavior means that people strengthen certain acts on purpose by using the positive or negative stimulus. Then the professor shows some examples. Let’s suppose that you hate to get up early, but sometimes you have to do so. Then you could choose to encourage yourself to get up early by using either a positive or a negative reinforcement. The positive one is to add the pleasure to your daily life to help you make the decision easier. For example, you can reward yourself with a very nice breakfast if you get up early. A negative one is to remove the unpleasant behavior off your daily routine. For example, If you do not enjoy taking a shower early in the morning, you can take it in the evening instead. Therefore, when you have to get up early in the morning, you might feel better because you have cut things you don’t like out of your morning schedule.

  在这道Task6的讲座中,professor通过列举两个实现早起上班的例子来说明reinforcement这种现象。心理学方面的问题在Task 6当中出现的比例还是比较高的,接下来我们再来看一个心理学的例子。



  In the lecture the professor tells about the rewarding strategy in Psychology. He states that reward can influence people’s behavior in two ways: positively and negatively. Then the professor goes on to further explain that by taking her daughter — Jenny for an example. Jenny doesn’t like cleaning up the room, so he gives her money to encourage her to do that. And gradually, she likes the work and does it more often,which is the positive effect that rewarding has. But on the other hand, something that a person likes to do may become the daily chores because of the rewarding system. For example, Jenny likes to play the piano,but when her parents give her a reward, she, on the contrary, plays less often ‘cause she thinks playing the piano, just like cleaning the house, is a kind of chore,that is negative effects that rewarding has.




  The lecture tells us that plants can be totally harmless most of the time. But when inappropriately brought into an environment, plants can also cause disasters by breaking ecological balance in local areas, which is biologically identified as plant invasion. Then the professor goes on to explain that by giving two examples. One is that a tree was introduced into South Africafor the purpose of stabilizing the local sand dunes. The tree fulfilled its task very successfully, but the bad news is that the tree grew so tall that they left very little sunlight for their neighboring plants. Threatened by this intruder, many plants started to lose their former territory. Another example is about a tree which was brought intoWestern United Statesfor its good appearance. It seems not so large, but it has very developed root system, so it absorbed twice the water as other plants of similar size. Also, it reproduced very fast. With its rapid growing, many other local plants gradually died out because of lack of essential water resource.

  在这场关于生物学的讲座中,professor通过以两种不同特点的树为例,解释了生物学理论: plant invasion。




  In the lecture, the professor tells about the new technology’s coming up and changing in our daily life. He explains that there are two ways in which those inventions and innovations happen: intentionally and accidentally. Then he takes bifocal glasses for example to illustrate intentional discoveries. Before the bifocal glasses were invented, people had to carry two pairs of glasses wherever they went. One was for seeing things far away, and the other for closer views. Therefore when bifocal glasses were invented, they immediately became popular among many people because of the great convenience provided. He goes on to give another example of accidental innovation. When people first encountered X-ray in the lab, the scientists had no idea of what this finding meant, or where to put this discovery into application.

  在这道科技类的题目中,professor在讲座中,列举了bifocal glasses和X-rays来诠释科技发明的两种出现形式:intentionally and accidentally。



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