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2012-11-06 00:00     作者 :    



   1、Is it important to have good manners in your interactions with other people? Give details and explanations to support your response.

  Yes, I believe it is important to be polite to other people. Good manners are a necessary part of interacting with other people. First, manners make it easier to communicate with people. If you are rude to people and interrupt them while they’re speaking, you may never actually hear what they want to communicate with you. For example, there is a boy in my class who continually interrupts my teacher when she is giving directions. He interrupts her so much, that he often doesn’t understand the directions she has given us and later he usually gets in trouble for not completing the assignment properly. In addition, continually interrupting people is annoying and tries other people’s patience. If you are rude and annoy them, they will probably avoid interacting with you. (Anna)

  2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be a good teacher, one must have experience. Give specific details and explanations to support your response.

  There's a saying that goes something like, "Experience is the best teacher." I think there's a lot of wisdom in this. Now, this doesn't necessarily make inexperienced teachers bad; it just means that experience affords a lot of insight that you can't glean from your training alone. So I do think that in order to be a good teacher, you need a decent amount of experience teaching. The biggest factor, I think, is that experienced teachers are more capable of commanding their students' respect which to me is a huge part of being able to teach effectively. You'll be less likely to feel intimidated by students if you're experienced, and you'll carry yourself more confidently and naturally. Students will respond to this and respect you. But newer teachers have a harder time earning their students' respect, and as a result students are less likely to pay attention to what these teachers say. The students' learning experience will suffer for it. (Richard)

  3、Passage:一个letter关于教学楼内improvement proposal. 一是在每层楼多设 power plug. 二是每层楼设打印机。


  Man agrees with the proposals. 条他说现在很多学生都有laptop. 举了个自己的例子,说他带laptop 去上课,但没电了,他找不到power plug, 跑了很远充电。第二条是学生有可能在课间完成assignment, 需要打印。

  解析:阅读部分,一个letter有一个关于教学楼内部改善的建议(improvement proposal),一是在每层楼多设power plug,二是每层楼设打印机。 把阅读框架大体总结一下,之后过渡到听力材料。And the man agrees with the proposals. 理由一,现在有很多学生都有laptop,and he gives his own experience to support that reason. 他带laptop 去上课,但没电了,他找不到power plug, 跑了很远充电。理由二,学生有可能在课间完成assignment, 需要打印。(注意理由陈述时将阅读材料有效地结合近听力材料中。)

  4、Passage:一种人类行为,说人们做事习惯有思维定式,但如果有情况不符合的话就会make mistake.


  Prof. 举了一个自己的例子,说他一次把包落在cafeteria, 包里有很多重要文件。他想他肯定没办法拿回了,因为cafeteria人很多,任何人都可能拿走包。但是因为包里的重要文件,他还是回去找了。他发现包还在。但是前台的woman 不让他拿,因为cafeteria人很多,她不相信prof.

  解析:阅读中提到了一种人类行为,即,人们做事习惯有思维定式,但如果有情况不符合的话就会make mistake.(按照阅读笔记大致给出这种人类行为的解释即可。)之后过渡到听力材料,and the professor gives his own experience in his explanation. 详细复述和概括教授的例子,注意答题时运用connections,(比如,because, but, for, as a result等等)将语段有逻辑地串联起来。注意阅读和听力内容两者间的对应。

  5、Problem: 女孩在校外跟父母住,每天开车很辛苦因为交通拥挤,而且开车时间很多浪费学习时间。男生建议使用其他交通方式比如搭火车,女生说搭火车也不省时间,因为火车总停。但是她不用开车了,可以在火车上看书。她还可以选择在学校附近居住,但是要花钱租房。而她现在和父母住不用花钱,总结女生困难,你推荐哪种方式?为什么?






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