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2023-04-10 16:11     作者 :    










  In ancient times in the Kingdom of Chu, there was a scholar called Bo Ya (伯牙 ). He was extraordinarily fond of the zither, being especially noted among the music masters of his time for capturing the wild beauties of Nature. When he played the zither he sensed a scene of grandeur appear before his very eyes: Waterfalls poured from the clouds, and springs sparkled in the mist, sprinkling drops of water like jewels. The sound of the wa­ter was like divine music. Bo Ya’s mastery of the zither reached the acme of perfection. However, as he could find no one who could properly appreciate his playing, he felt somewhat lonely.


  Later, Bo Ya took up an official post in the State of Jin. One day he was sent on a mis­sion to Chu. On account of a strong wind, he was forced to halt at the entrance to the Hanyang River. When the tempest passed, a full moon appeared, making its slow way through the clouds. Bo Ya stood at the prow of his boat, gazing up at the moon and then down at the water, when a sudden urge seized him to play his zither. No sooner had he finished a tune than a woodcutter burst from behind the bushes, uttering words of fulsome praise for Bo Ya’s playing.


  Surprised, Bo Ya asked him: “You can hear the zither, but can you tell whether it’s be­ing played well or badly?”


  The woodcutter smiled, and said, “Could you play another tune for me?” Bo Ya happily complied. He adjusted the strings of the zither, and played a resounding air. The woodcut­ter nodded, with a heartfelt sigh: “Wonderful! Your zither conjured up for me the majestic loftiness of Mount Tai.” Bo Ya played again. This time his zither recreated a world of perfect peace. The woodcutter again nodded, and said with a sigh: “Excellent! Your zither conjured up for me the waters of a gently flowing stream.”


  Bo Ya was delighted to hear the woodcutter’s comments, put aside his zither, rose, and addressed the man courteously: “Sir, may I ask your name?” The other returned his bow, and replied, “My name is Zhong Ziqi (钟子期 ).” Bo Ya said, with a sigh: “I have ac­quaintances all over the country, but few really understand me.” He then told his servant to light incense and candles, and formed a bond of fraternal friendship with Zhong Ziqi, pledging to meet him again in the same place the following Mid-Autumn Day.

  第二年中秋时节,伯牙如期而至,谁料想此时已与好友阴阳相隔,子期已离他而去。伯牙在子期的坟前,抚琴而哭,弹了一曲《高山流水》,曲终,以刀断弦,并仰天而叹:“知己不在,我鼓琴还能有谁听呢?”说毕,将琴砸在地上,琴破弦绝 ……

  In autumn the following year Bo Ya went to pay a call on his friend, only to find to his great chagrin that his soul mate had passed away. In front of Zhong Ziqi’s grave, Bo Ya took up his zither, weeping. He then played the tune Mountains and Streams. At the end of the tune, he took out a knife, and cut the zither’s strings. Raising his face to Heaven, he lamented, “The person who really understood me is gone forever. For whom shall I play my zither now?” With these words, he smashed the zither on the ground. The zither was broken and the strings were severed...

  从此以后,伯牙与钟子期的故事被世代流传,两人心心相印、互相理解的感情也被比喻为 “知音 ”之情。高山流水则成为知音的代称,让世代人们为之向往与感动。

  From that time on, the story of Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi has been passed down from generation to generation. The hearts of the two men responded to each other in perfect understanding, and their affection became “sound perceivers,” a proverbial expression for “empathy.” The words Mountains and Streams have been used to describe closeness and affection between soul mates.






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