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2020-04-17 14:38     作者 :    




  常见问法:Why does the professor mention...?

  刷过练习题的同学一定不会陌生。下面我们以练习题1 conversation2的一道目的题来看看,材料中是如何插入例子考点的。

  题目:Why does Matthew mention Greek and Roman mythol**y?

  A. To identify a topic frequently discussed in third grade

  B. To get the professor's opinion about a lesson he taught

  C. To make a suggestion to improve the class he is taking

  D. To illustrate a technique used to teach a third-grade class


  文中原话:So since Jupiter, the planet, is the largest planet in our solar system, it's like the king of the plan, like Jupiter was the king of all the gods.这种由天⽂文学跨到神学的讲解方式正是interdisciplinary这一教学technique的具体体现。故此题选D。

  除了以上最显眼的例子插入,托福听力考试中还有一些相对存在感比较弱,却常爆考点的“插入信息”。如练习题1 Lecture1中:

  题目:Why did Frantzen go to the Sales Barn?

  A. To study human form and movement

  B. To earn money by painting portraits

  C. To paint farm animals in an outdoor setting

  D. To meet people who could model for her paining

  这道题属于因果类细节题,询问画家Rose Frantzen为什么常去Sales Barn这样的地方?答案难度其实不大,后文两次提到“movement”,选A。难点在于这个细节容易被忽略。但只要我们掌握“插入信息”这个考点,也就不难理解为什么要考这道题。在教授讲述该画家的一幅关于Farm的画作与回国后的经历之间,说了一句“Oh,and speaking about frams,that reminds me…One interesting thing I read about Franzten is that...”此处插入的这句话更像是对考点的一种提示,让考生对接下来的内容提高警惕。

  又如练习题3 conversation2中

  题目:What information does the student still need to get from the professor?

  A. The name of the senior researcher

  B. What book he needs to read before the next lecture

  C. When the train session will be scheduled

  D. Where the project is located:

  这道题也属于细节题,难度系数很低,但出现在同样容易被忽略的conversation结尾处,不少同学在听完全文后对该考点毫无印象,这种送分题反而成了送命题…通过分析文本,我们发现其实这个考点也是“早有预谋”,在出现答案training前(C),学生插入了一句“By the way”,大家千万不要小看这个看似普通的小词组,在托福听力练习中,几乎每次它的出场,都在告诉我们考点来了。



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