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2023-03-23 10:46     作者 :    




  all over the place

  乱七八糟completely disorganized or confused

  ●TPO13L2 – EcologyYeah,well, there used to be beavers all over the place,something like 200 million beavers, just in the continental United States.



  all the rage

  风靡一时popular or fashionable at the moment

  ●TPO30L4 – Music HistoryBefore long, Hawaiian steel guitar music was all the rage in the mainland US.不久,夏威夷吉他就在美国本土风靡起来。


  at odd

  争执;不一致cannot agree or argue with someone

  ●TPOT4L2 – LiteratureThey try to fit in with the rest of the world even though it’s at odds with their beliefs and their identities.他们正努力融入世界,尽管他们和世界其他地方有着不同的身份和信仰。


  be that as it may

  话虽如此even so, even now

  ●TPO3L3 – Art HistoryBut be that as it may, whatever the exact date, whether it's 15,000, 20,000or 30,000 years ago, the Chauvet paintings are from the dawn of art.尽管如此,无论准确的日期是哪天,哪怕是在15000、20000还是30000年前,肖维岩洞的壁画都被认为是艺术的开端。


  do the trick

  奏效;成功go places, make a hit

  ●TPO19C1 – Student & ProfessorYeah,I can see how that might do the trick. But, anyway, what I wanted to ask was, when you started talking about game theory.Well, I know a little bit about it, but I am not clear about its use in biology.是的,我已经看到效果了,但是,我还是想问一下,当你提到game theory的时候,我是有一定的了解,但是我不知道这个理论是如何运用在生物学中的。


  down the drain

  浪费掉;徒劳wasted or produces no results

  ●TPO4C2 – Student & ProfessorI know, but I didn’t want to risk the project going down the drain.我知道,但是我不能让这个项目冒功亏一篑的风险。


  drop in the bucket

  杯水车薪something is so small that it won't make any noticeable difference.

  ●TPO12L4 – Environmental ScienceIt can generate 194 megawatts of electric power, but that’s just a drop in the bucket.它能产生194兆瓦的电量,但是也是杯水车薪。


  from scratch

  从头做起from the beginning

  ●TPO4C2 – Student & ProfessorBut we've got all the sources and its due next week. We don’t have time to start from scratch.但是我们已经找好各种资料了,截止日期是下周,我们已经没有时间重新来过了。


  get a handle on


  get something under control

  ●TPO25L4 – Animal BehaviorApparently,it also contributes to the development of a brain that's flexible, a brain that's quickly able to get a handle on unfamiliar situations.很显然,它对大脑灵活、快速的适应陌生环境有着重要帮助。


  heavenly body


  ●TPO18L1 – AstronomyThat's because of their belief at the time that the heavenly bodies, the Sun,Moon,Stars and Planets, were perfect, without any flaws or blemishes.这是因为他们坚信所有的行星,太阳,月亮等等,都是完美无瑕的。


  high and low


  ●TPO5C1–Student & Counselor at the University Counseling CenterAnd it so happened that the cellist graduated last year. They’ve been searching high and low for a replacement, someone with experience.大提琴手去年毕业了,他们到处寻找有经验的接班人。


  how come

  为什么,怎么会disbelief or surprise

  ●TPO26L3 – AstronomyI mean, how come Halley’s is still there? After four and a half billion years. How could it be?我意思是,经过了45亿年哈雷彗星怎么还在那,怎么可能?


  let alone

  更不必说;不打扰to say nothing of…

  ●TPO22L2 – Astronomywe know the Sun’s current rate of mass loss, but if we assume that this rate has been steady over the last four billion years, the young Sun wouldn’t have been massive enough to have warmed Earth, let alone Mars, not enough to have caused liquid water.我们知道太阳现在质量在衰减,如果我们假设太阳质量衰减的速度是恒定的,那么经过40亿年,太阳将不再有足够的质量给地球提供热量,更不用说火星了,这些热量都不够形成液态水。


  off the hook

  摆脱困境;脱身avoid sth.

  ●TPO15C2–Student&Biology ProfessorAnd that's supposed to be a quiet environment? Not exactly. My brother and parents try to keep it down when I am studying, but the phone pretty much rings off the hook, so ...本该是一个很安静的环境吧?事实却不是这样,在我学习的时候都爸爸和哥哥放低声音,但是电话却响个不停。


  pros and cons


  advantages & disadvantages

  The question is how. I mean no one really thinks that, say a bee goes through weighing the pros and cons of pollinating this flower or that flower.问题在于怎样做到的。没有人会认为蜜蜂给花朵授粉的时候会去权衡一下这朵花和那朵花的利弊。


  put two and two together

  根据事实推理reach a correct conclusion from the evidence; making inference

  ●TPO3L4 – AstronomySo he put two and two together, and decided there was an element in the sun that hadn’t been discovered here on the earth yet.所以他根据现有情况推断,太阳里有一种元素是我们至今都没有发现的。


  rule of thumb


  ●T2C1 – Student & Professor.. like your parents. That’s usually my rule of thumb: would my parents understand this?...例如你的父母。按我的经验法则,我会问:我的父母能理解吗?


  spot on


  exactly right

  ●TPO29L4 – Structural EngineeringThere’s a reason I mentioned that figure of 36,000 kilometers. That’s about how high an object would have to be orbiting straight up from the equator to constantly remain directly above the exact same spot on the rotating planet Earth.就像我刚提到的,36000公里是近地同步卫星的轨道高度。


  take for granted

  认为…理所当然assume sth.Is real for sure

  ●TPO24L3 – ArcheologyToday we take for granted that there horizontal bands of plant communities.今天我们认为植物带的水平分布是理所当然的。


  tall order

  离谱的要求hard to achieve or fulfill

  ●TPO5C2 – Student & ProfessorIt's still a pretty tall order,and we will be moving right along, so you will really need to stay on top of it.这始终是个苛刻的要求,我们要一直保持前进,你就必须保持在状态。


  tongue in cheek

  虚情假意的not seriously

  ●TPO12L1 – BiologyThat's the so-called JUNK DNA. Though the word junk is used sort of tongue in cheek.这就是所谓的“无用DNA”,不过junk一词在这里有点嘲弄的意思。

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