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2012-12-05 00:00     作者 :    




  新托福听力问题Link: Speaking Question 6 and the ListeningSection

  Speaking question 6 asks for you to summarize a lecturethat you’ve taken notes on. Most students fear this question.However, this question doesn’t have any surprises if you’vealready studied the listening section. In the listening section, youshould have ample practice taking notes on the lectures. In fact,these lectures are much longer on average than the lectures inthe speaking section. Both sections follow the same lecture structure which basically imitates thestructures of any reading passage in addition to the structure of the writing response that you’reexpected to write for writing question 2. Since you need to listen for the main points in speakingquestion 6, you need to be aware of two structures. Either a main point will occur before reasons,details, and examples, or it will occur after them. Also, the speaking question only demands thatyou get the main points, but the listening section requires you to take more detailed notes for thevariety of questions you will have to answer.




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