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2018-12-28 11:43     作者 : 赵梦奇    


  在托福写作的课堂上,关于如何写独立写作的开头段是每位同学在The first节课上都会遇到的问题。

  当被问到这个问题的时候,很多同学的The first反应是开头段还不简单吗?但是真的要练习起来,这个“简单”的问题却显得不那么“简单”了。


  1. 基础较好的同学开头段倾向于写得内容很复杂、很多。

  2. 一般基础不太好的同学开头段写得又太过于简短。


  这样写开头段的话,都不利于拿高分,我们就拿TPO 42 的独立写作来看:

  TPO 42

  Workers are more satisfied when they have many different types of tasks to do during the workday than when they do similar tasks all day long. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  A 同学是这样写开头段的:

  Working, the only method to earn money, plays an increasingly momentous role in our daily life. When it comes to the issue about which type of task is more satisfied, it has arouse extensive attention of the society, which thus triggered a storm of argument. People's opinion differ from person to person, and culture to culture. Some might highly prefer to finish various kind of work, while others may strongly choose the job with some similarity on the contrary. As for me, I absolutely support the prior one mainly contributing to the following reasons.

  B 同学是这样写的开头段:

  I agree with the second opinion.


  首先,A 同学的开头段写了将近100个单词,并不是说开头段字写多了不好,而是同学们要考虑到考试时间(30 分钟)是非常有限的,因为我们除去构思和写完之后回头做检查,剩余的写作时间仅仅只有25分钟左右了而已。


  所以一般来说,比较合理的写作安排时间是把30 分钟的时间各分配2分钟到开头段和结尾段去。如此看来2分钟打100个单词左右是极其困难的,所以这就是开头段像A 同学写得这么复杂冗长的,一般反映的问题就是不够时间写完一篇完整的作文。

  还有一个问题是:写这么长,给考官的感觉是很冗长、不简洁,且写得繁琐,考生比较容易犯一些低级的语法错误,比如A 同学的开头段就出现了好几处小语法错误,这会给考官带来不好的印象,间接会拉低考生的分数。

  其次,B 同学写得太过于简单了,即直接给出了立场说支持第二点,给考官的感觉就是一头雾水、不明就里。

  所以如何写好独立写作的开头段呢?在我看来,就是简单的两点即可:改写题目+ 自己的立场(通过改写题目引出话题,告诉考官我们在讨论一个怎样的话题,再给出自己的立场是什么,这样写才更有逻辑性。)


  a. People are often involved in a heated debate about whether…+ 完整的句子

  b. There exists a heated debate about whether …+ 完整的句子


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research. (2012-12-18)



  The main role  可改写成 the prior mission /priority

  A university professor 可改写成 educationist

  Educate 换成 teach

  Do research 换成 conduct/perform investigations


  People, especially the students and educationalists are often involved in a discussion about whether the priority of a college professor is to teach students or conduct investigations. As for me, the answer is the latter one.

  给出立场的时候直接用代词former/latter one, 就不用在表明自己立场的时候再改写一次了,这样既保证了正确,又节约了时间,并且能给考官一目了然、简洁的感觉。



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