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2019-07-05 17:51     作者 :    



  这个问题一直是托福综合写作的难点和重点。其实,最根本的方法是提高听力的能力。提高听力能力不仅对综合写作有很大益处,对于托福听力而言也有很大帮助。然而,这个方法需要考生有足够的备考时间,有足够的听力练习。对于一些时间紧张的同学而言,这个方法就显得不够现实。当然,另一种方法:根据阅读材料的内容猜测听力信息,也是综合写作教学中经常被采用的方法。这个方法简单,但是对于听力细节信息的获取肯定是不够准确的,所以不够靠谱。个人认为,了解相关话题的词汇和背景知识对于考生们把握听力信息是极为重要的。很多学生在考前的备考某种程度上是存在一定的误区的,他们认为 TPO 从头到尾刷一遍就可以了,事实上刷题是有必要的,但是刷题的重点是要总结和归纳,找出考试规律和考点。下面,我将以综合写作中的生态类话题为例跟大家分析一下新托福综合写作备考中话题词汇和背景知识的重要性和运用,相信能够帮助考生们在有效的时间内科学地突破它们。生态类话题真题:

  在 TPO 的题目中,有代表性的生态类话题分布在 TPO 14,TPO 18,TPO 20,TPO21,TPO 23 和 TPO 26,它们分别研究的是:树木回收性砍伐的好处、佛罗里达榧树的保护、大火给森林带来的损害、转基因树的好处、雪松数量减少、斑马贝的入侵。具体内容概括如下(阅读 --- 听力):

  TPO 14:回收性砍伐的好处

  1.make room for the growth of the new trees---deprive the soil of thenutrients produced during the process of decomposition

  2.minimize the danger of insect infestation---some insects are greatcontributors to the health of the forest

  3.provide usable wood by industries and create additional jobs for local people---transportation of these woods is expensive and the jobs provided are temporary

  TPO 18:佛罗里达榧树减少的解决方案

  1.reestablish Torreya in the same locationwith the coolest and dampest microclimate---the microclimate is strongly influenced by either global warming or the drained wetlands

  2.move Torreya to an entirely different location---Torreya will threaten other endangered species

  3.preserve Torreya in research center---the research center can not ensure a large and genetically-diverse population of the Torreya trees, which means the trees are not capable of resisting the disease。

  TPO 20:Let it burn policy 带来的危害

  1.damage the trees a s well a s theve  getation---there appears to be a bigger diversity for the plants

  2.bring negative effects to the wildlife---small animals like the rabbits and hares are more likely to inhabit in the ideal place

  3.do harm to the local tourism, negatively contributing to the economy---only if it happens every year would it be a problem fortourism

  TPO 21:转基因树带来的好处

  1.hardier, more likely to survive---uniform in genes, they will be unresistant to the climate change or the insects

  2.bring a number of economic benefits to planters---more cost for the farmers, be charged more when purchasing the seeds; pay again for the seeds

  3.prevent over exploitation of wild trees; protect endangered native trees---compete the local trees for the resources

  TPO 23:雪松数量减少的原因

  1.attacked by insect parasites; beetles-- -healthy yellow cedar with powerful chemicals do not suffer from the beetles' attack

  2.attribute to brown bears; eat---no bears dwelling on the island

  3.change of the climate; freezing roots- --changing temperature does not take responsibility for the descending population

  TPO 26:斑马贝的入侵

  1.unstoppable; transported by ships to North America---the fresh water should be refilled with the salt water in the sea, which will kill the mussels

  2.dominate new habitat; without predators---birds observe the arrival of these mussels and they are going to change their food to themussels

  3.lead to overall decline in the overall fish population; plankton eater---they can generate nutrients which fishes in the bottom of the water can feed on



  物 种 名 称 词 汇 ( 植 物 ):plant / cedar /plankton / Terroya tree / wild berry / organism/

  black locust tree 物种名称词汇(动物):wildlife / insect /beetle / bear / mussel / hare / rabbit / shellfish涉及栖息地词汇:habitat / dwell / inhabit /habitat / bottom / wetland

  生物链涉及词汇:food chain / plankton eater/ predator / parasite / disease / infestation /

  infest / pest-resistant / resist / dominate /reproduce / germinate / nutrient关于物种入侵:wipe out / crowd out / be aggressive / invade / invasion / colonize /compete for表示物种数量的降:decline / descend /shrink / extinct / endangered / minimize /devastate / destroy

  科学技术层面的单词:genetic modification / genetic

  technology / genetically –diverse / geneticallymodified / uniform / gene / pesticide


  Environment: temperature / climate change /global warming Technology: genetically-modified plants / pest-unresistant / uniform in genesInvasion: compete for nutrient /infestation / parasite / predator


  Environment: temperature / climate change /relocationTechnology: research center


  Biological introduction: predatorHuman activities: capture (financiallybeneficial) / chemical control (poison /pesticide)


  通过对 2017 年 1 月至 5 月部分综合写作题目的总结发现,掌握以上考点对于应对综合写作起着至关重要的作用。

  例 1: 在 2017.02.26 考 试 中 讨 论 的 内 容 是 防止 New Guinean Flatworms 不断扩散的方法,最终的方法就涉及到以上所提到的考点(词汇和内容)1.biological control:引入 predator,或者依赖当地的鸟类 --- 会导致被引入的种群无法控制,而且当地的鸟类也不吃这种虫子,味道难吃;2.chemicalcontrol:使用 pesticides--- 目前没有十分有效的针对该虫子的杀虫剂,独一的一种 lindane 稍微有效,但不明显;3. soil fertilization:翻耕土地,提升肥力,使用肥料提升土壤温度,杀死虫卵 --- 这个方法不容易达到杀死虫卵所需温度,效果不好。例 2:2017.01.14 考试讨论到防止 snakeheads 扩散的方法是否有效,考点中有两个点是以上提到的考点 1. 制定法律防止人们运输 snakehead fish--- 即使人们不运输,他们也可以大量扩散,因为数量多;2.鼓励渔民去捕捞 snakeheads,因为可食可卖 --- 会起反作用,渔民们为获取利润会大量养殖;3. 研究毒药毒死 snakeheads,储存原有鱼类 --- 储存的鱼类也不能生长到原有体积,因为吃了中毒的微生物和昆虫。例 3:2017.04.23 考试讨论到鳗鱼数量减少的原因(解决方案),其中两个点也涉及到以上的考点 1.欧洲海域都在建大坝,这阻碍了鳗鱼回归来繁殖 ---建立带洞的大坝,鳗鱼可以穿过洞,游过去繁殖;

       2.鳗鱼的食物鱼里面有寄生虫,导致他们感染寄生虫 ---可以把有寄生虫的鱼引到别的鳗鱼接触不到的地方;

  3. 鳗鱼繁殖的位置很难找到,所以很难帮他们排除危险 ---科学家们可以使用电子设备确定鳗鱼的位置,保护鳗鱼。

  以上的总结并不能完全对应目前新托福综合写作的生态话题考点,更要注意一些新的考点,尤其是TPO 套题中所没有涉及的。但是,从分析中可以看到,以上的信息点是必须要在备考中引起注意的,这些总结的背景知识对听力内容的获取还是很有帮助的。因此,在备考过程中要善于总结要点,不能总是题海战术,既耽误了时间也耗尽了耐心。


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