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2019-12-13 15:19     作者 :    




  2019.12.1 独立写作题目

  “When we spend money to do charity, which one of the following ways do you think is better?

  1. Give money to charitable organizations and let them decide how the money will be spent;

  2. Give money directly to the needy so that we can decide how the money is spent.

  And why?”





在开头段落里,内容的进展要快,要少废话:When I make donations, Idonate the money to charitable organizations rather than to the needy directly. ← 句话既说明了题目也表达了立场。第二句话做一些简单的(不要提前透露主体部分的具体内容的)补充 → I believe that my money is in good hands [词汇特殊要求:use of idioms] when it is managed by those professional organizations. 


Those organizations do philanthropy in a professional way. ← 中心句之后展开 → The expense of money is based on their careful calculation, including to what area or group of people and what amount is appropriate. In addition, a charitable organization does not work alone. Instead, it may cooperate with a number of partners, such as food suppliers, construction companies, book publishers, and the cooperation makes the donations more effective. 此刻决定写不写例子。决定不写,因为当道理已经讲述到明白的时候,例子就显得多余。← 写出contrast(对比)是“二选一”类型题目的论证关键 → The opposite is the case of an individual donor. ← 中心句之后展开 → An individual is unable to do charity that way. 直接用例子论证 → For example, when a generous donator gives money to a poor family, he or she probably has no idea of what amount would be appropriate, and the donation is likely to be either excessive orinadequate. In addition, the cash may not be what the poor need. Instead, what they need may be foodstuff with which they can feed the family, shelters they can immediately move in, or books they can read. ← 经典的对比结构。

← 注意两个段落的展开方式不一样 →

When an individual does charity, he or she may do it locally and can do it only in the locality. In comparison, there may be no restraint of locality when a charitable institution does the work.← 先完成宏观的比较关系,然后再展开 → Generous as a donor may be, the donor may not be able to give the money to people who are not in his town or country, because there may be a lack of time for the donor to travel or a lack of information about where, outside his locality, the money is needed. ← 写出contrast(对比)是“二选一”类型题目的论证关键 → Unlike this generous donor as an individual, a charitable organization may be nationwide or global and has branches in different parts of a country or the world. 此刻决定写不写例子。决定写: For example, the Red Cross, a major philanthropic organization of China, have franchises that cover the whole country–the widest scale and the scale that no individual person could ever have. 



Therefore, I tend to donate money to charitable organizations rather than to the needy directly. The principle behind the reasons is simple: those institutions do things better than do individuals.更多托福考试干货敬请关注新航道托福考试频道

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