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2019-12-30 14:04     作者 :    


   Teacher’s NOTE:

  We may have no idea of what the Reading’s major concern is, since the passage may give plenty of information, all of which seems useful. At this point, the Listening helps to identify the key points of the Reading as we find the difference or the conflict between the Reading and the Listening.


  【请翻到《新托福写作真经6》的Page 282 找到Reading Passage,对应的Recording Script在Page 344-5。】


  Take the summary of the Reading as an example:

  Enforcing such a law is impractical.

  Teacher’s NOTE: There is a problem with the information: “such a law” is a rather obscure concept. What law?


  Enforcing the law that prohibits parties from bringing non-native species that can potentially be invasive into the US is impractical.

  Teacher’s NOTE: Although the information is complete and full, there is a problem with the sentence structure : the subject of the sentence is way too lengthy in its number of words.


  According to the reading passage, it is impractical to enforce the law that prohibits parties from bringing non-native species that can potentially be invasive into the US is impractical.

  Take the summary of the Reading as an example:

  There should be new rules restricting the importing, buying and selling of non-native species.

  Teacher’s NOTE: the key information can be taken out and put into the following sentence that conflicts with the summary of the Reading.


  Opposing the reading passage, the lecturer argues for the restrictions on the importing, buying and selling of non-native species.

  Conflict 1

  Students’ answer (Reading) may be:

  Critics complain that pet owners would have to turn their pets over to authorities.

  Teacher’s NOTE: Specific information about “why would have to turn to” and “why complain” is omitted and the omission renders this answer defected. Note that writing a proper summary is more than just taking down the topic sentence of the given text.


  The reading passage argues that the owners would complain about the confiscation, because those pets that are foreign species aredomesticated and will not cause any actual harm. ←Teacher’s NOTE: Paraphrasing: confiscate → confiscation; non-native → foreign; keep indoors → domesticate).

  Students’ answer (Reading) may be:

  The new law will not affect animals people already have.

  Teacher’s NOTE: The omission of the example mentioned renders this answer defected.


  The lecturer counter-argues that the new law will not affect animals people already have as pets and further illustrates the point by an example of a particular species of tropical fish. Although the fish is deemed invasive, it is just the sale of the fish in the marketthat would be banned. ← Teacher’s NOTE: Choice of sentence model: Focusing (“强调句”体现听力原文的意思).

  Conflict 2


  Conflict 3


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