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托福综合写作真题范文 | 高能写作技法(二)

2020-04-14 17:17     作者 :    



  The reading passage and the lecture argue over whether a ban should be put on TV ads of prescription drugs. ← 没有(注意:是“没有”)按部就班的先写阅读文本的内容再写听力录音的内容。Instead,我们判断出阅读和听力的冲突点,然后用“A and B argue over something”这样的句型来完成开头段落的写作。措辞的难点在于如何把阅读和听力的冲突点用一个名词性的短语来陈述。


  First, the reading believes that those ads conceal the medications’ side effects and cause viewers’ misconceptions. This idea is refuted by the lecturer. ← 用一个独立的句子(短句)来说明阅读和听力之间的关系。The counter-argument is that consumers will consult the Internet, doctors, and friends to verify the claims in the ads. ← 没有用我们习惯性的“The lecturer argues that”这样的“主—谓—宾”句型,而是用了“主—系—表”句型。这里注意一个词“counter-argument”。另外注意“misconceptions”和“consult”分别替换了原文中的词,不但实现了替换,更是通过词汇替换避免原文中繁冗的陈述,实现了精简,而措辞的精简又是综合写作能力进阶和获取高分的关键。



  The reading and the lecture also have divergent ideas on the reason behind the increase in the sales of medicines. ← 是不是与我们在开头段落里用的句型异曲同工?当然是的。只是具体的措辞变成了“A and B have divergent ideas on something”。The reason argued in the reading is that 【前方高能请注意:通过找到合适的主语“those ad viewers”,实现“同主语后动词并列”来精简句子:】 those ad viewers are lured into buying wrong or unnecessary drugs and are not stopped by doctors. The lecture takes nicotine patches as an example to instead argue that the word of mouth, after viewers are informed of the product and tried, promotes the sales. ← 和上一段一样,同样通过词汇替换(此句中黄色高亮的词汇)来实现替换的同时实现措辞上的精简。


  Third, the reading 【前方高能请注意:通过选词(黄色高亮的部分)来实现词汇替换和句子的精简:】questions the sufficiency of the government’s regulations and examination about the ads, and argues that theinadequacy causes consumers’ suffering. The lecturer 【前方高能请注意:在还原听力材料和阅读之间的冲突的时候,可以“很切题”而“不(那么)套路”:】does not have that concern, ← 既然阅读文陈述的是一个担心,而听力驳斥了这个担心,那不就是“没有这个担心”么。 because, according to the lecturer, consumers will complain about false ads, and deterred by the consequentsubstantial fines, pharmaceutical companies will behave. ← 此处的高能依然是通过选词(黄色高亮的部分)来实现词汇替换和句子的精简。

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