Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends all the time. 以“同意”为立场,展开主体部分的讨论。 This statement may be stating the commonplace realities. 【句话引出commonplace realitie,下面就应该回应这些common realities。】 【通常,我们会用陈述的方式列举出一系列realities,但是,太普通了。有更厉害的方式的。这个方式是“发问三连”。 我们以主体部分的一个段落为例(如下): 问: Doesn't it happen often between friends that we choose not to tell the truth and instead find an excuse when our friends' invitation to some entertainment or recreation that is costly conflicts with our financial plight, which may be temporary but happens to be at that time? Being honest would otherwise cause awkwardness; we are embarrassed and the friend may be in the awkward position. 第二问: Wouldn't a friend feel mocked and offended if we were blunt about a not-so-good choice of an outfit or a rip-off for which the friend pays? The honest comment, albeit probably with our most earnest sincerity for the friend’s good, is however unpleasant and counterproductive. 第三问: Don’t we often hesitate, hold our feelings in, and keep our mouth shut, when we honestly do not think a friend finds the right person for romance? We do. 【“发问三连”结束。这个段落就结束了。内容有么?有啊,还很充分。结构合理么?“总—分”结构明晰呀。】 【设问/反问的语气强烈,自我认定感强,很带节奏,可以减少读者的疑虑,“强迫”读者(考官)赞同。当然,这种“耍流氓”的写法要求我们的写作内容本身合理。】