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【眼看写作30分】— 提分独立写作三招两术(二十六)

2020-10-16 15:55     作者 :    



If a university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way? 

-providing a quiet room for study;

-building a room for physical exercise;

-providing a place for entertainment (for example, a place to watch movies).

本文立场选择选项quiet room for study。



【body 1】

Study room is certainly more feasible than a room for sports or a room for entertainment. The reason is very simple. There must be a sport center for students to do physical exercise. As a matter of fact, any center in campus is versatile with gym, swimming pool or multi-functional courts equipped. If a student wants to sweat, this place is where desirable to go. 


【body 1】

At this point, some may give counterexample that students who want quiet place for study could turn to library as alternative. They presume that public study places can satisfy the need. However, does a student need to exercise through the night? A student who is desperate to lose some weight can do the night run outside. Can a student who is eager to study go outside and read under the street lamp? Also, quietness is not prerequisite when a student do some physical training, and it is necessary but hard to realize for another student who tries to study when the roommates are engaged in sports like running or weigh lifting leading to noises in a nearby room.




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【body 2】

Likewise, the same issue may be pointed out in room for leisure activity like film watching. The key point I have to state is that the disagreement in building does not mean I encourage students to be off campus during the night. It is quite dangerous and unsafe and thus this would be solved through watching the TV series or films from laptops or private projectors in their rooms. Moreover, most halls designated for public leisure activity is another ideal place to go for watching. Doesn’t it sounds convenient? Isn’t it cozy in cold weather? Also,isn’t it nice that some other students learn or review homework in the room specialized for quiet study while they have fun without any extra disturbance even shouting or singing?  

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