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【GRE写作】Argument 精选真题范文(三十八)

2020-10-28 17:29     作者 :    


The Argument task题库题目的示范写作持续更新:

今天,我们继续看看在逻辑上会出现的问题。同样在此提醒大家,就整个the Argument task而言,问题的种类不少,我们的示范只是举例(出现在今天选用的短文中的)常见的几种问题。


The following appeared in a health newsletter.

"Nosinia is an herb that many users report to be as effective as prescription medications at fighting allergy symptoms. Researchers recently compared Nosinia to a placebo in 95 men and women with seasonal allergies to ragweed pollen. Participants in the study reported that neither Nosinia nor the placebo offered significant relief. However, for the most severe allergy symptoms, the researchers reported that Nosinia was more effective than the placebo in providing relief. Furthermore, at the end of the study, participants given Nosinia were more likely than participants given a placebo to report feeling healthier. We therefore recommend using Nosinia to help with your severe allergy symptoms.

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.

1. 样本问题:

a) whether the 95 men and women is enough for drawing a reliable result

b) the specific composition of the 95 men and women

2. 范畴问题:

a) The conclusion, representing a situation that is rather general about the type of allergies, is falsely based on a specific situation that the participants have allergies that are seasonal and are to ragweed pollen.

b) The conclusion, representing a situation that is rather general about the type of allergies, is falsely based on the situation that Nosinia is more effective in treating allergy symptoms whose severity is maximum.

3. 比较问题:

a) Nosinia may be more effective than the placebo; however, it may be more effective only than the placebo. This means that the effectiveness of Nosinia may be inferior to that of other treatments.

4. 可信度问题:

a) The effectiveness of Nosinia is reported by many of its users, whose feelings or opinions are not scientific proof.

b) Researchers’ result may be drawn from a study whose reliability is compromised by various factors.

5. 时间问题:

a) The comparison made between Nosinia and the placebo is recent, meaning that the result may be valid only at the recent time, which may be a particular season or month of a year. In other words, the season, month, or any point of time at which Nosinia is studied may be a factor that, probably with collateral or other external factors related to the time, affects the effectiveness of Nosinia. The conclusion, however, represents a situation that is rather general about the point of time Nosinia may be used as a treatment for allergy symptoms. 


Since researchers did the comparison between Nosinia and a placebo at a time that is recent, the point of time is specific. To this specific point of time, the question is whether the result of the comparison is valid only at this specific time, which may be a particular season or month of a year. In other words, the season, month, or any point of time at which Nosinia is studied may be a factor that, probably with collateral or other external factors related to the time, affects the effectiveness of Nosinia. The conclusion, however, represents a situation that is rather general about the point of time Nosinia may be used as a treatment for allergy symptoms.

以上这5种问题是the Argument task整个题库中常见的问题种类。其中,有一部分与我们在第37讲中提及的问题类型相同。可见这个逻辑问题类型会在整个题库的短文中重复出现,在我们这段时间的示范和讲解中,我们就通过不断“看到”来加深印象和巩固。

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