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2012-09-17 00:00     作者 :    




 今天为大家整理的是2012年9月16日托福写作真题回忆,供正 在准备下一轮托福考试的同学们参考。


  1.Two different schools you have attended   

  2.Some people like to buy the new tech devices and some will wait.Which u prefer.

  3.Liberary provide lockers with a limited number to forth-grade students.

  Woman disagrees.

  First, it's not fair to other stu who also carry lots of heavy books to finish work in the liberary.She is a second-grade student and she has 5 classes at the end of the semester so she need lockers too.

  Second, the liberary will lose a lot of books because some forth-grade students will take books off the shelf and lock them in their lockers.That is a headache.

  4.The professor talks about egocentric thinking in children, which means that children think other people will see or understand the world in the same way like them.

  e.g.A child was lead in a room with a small house in it.The child was standing in front of the house, which has a red door.The researcher went to the other side of the house.When he asked the child :" what am I watching?", the child answered:" A red door." which was exactly the thing that child was watching.

  5.The man's problem is that he should pick up his friend at the airport but he wants to attend a reading event of a book by the author he likes.

  First solution: tell his firend to wait for him for an hour, and he will pick up him after he attends the event.He is a close friend who may not mind hanging out in the airport reading or eating.

  Second solution: pick up his friend at the airport so he will miss the event.He may not have another chance to see this author's reading event.(越写越觉得自己立场太明显了……)

  6.Two adaptions for redwood trees.

  First adaption is the chemical ingredients in its leaves, which make the leaves tasting too bad that the insects don't eat them.

  Second adaption is the large and strong root system in every direction, which can help to stablize themselves even in strong storms.


  TASK1 描述俩你读过的学校的不同。

  TASK2 你喜欢电子产品一上市就买还是等会儿再买。

  TASK3 学校要给大四的在图书馆提供personal locker。 对话中的女生不同意,觉得unfair,每个人都有heavy burden,而且locker放在书架旁会让别人直接把书放在柜子里不放上书架,不方便其他人找书

  TASK4 children egocentric thinking,就是小孩都觉得别人看到的跟自己看到的一样。教授用了一个例子,说researcher让一个小男孩站在一个小房子正前方,researcher站在屋子后,然后问小男孩researcher看见了什么,小男孩说researcher看见一个red front door,明显这是小男孩自己看到的。

  TASK5 男生朋友坐飞机来看他他得去机场接,但他又想去参加一个他很想去的讲座。两个方法是他让朋友等一个小时他结束讲座了去接他,另一个方法是不去讲座

  TASK6 介绍一些树能活longer time的两种strategy,都用red wood tree做例子,一种方法是树散发一些chemical让insects觉得难闻以prevent attack。另一种是强大的root system。


  task1 比较你去过的两个学校。

  task2 有些人喜欢买的数码产品,有些人喜欢等一段时间再买,你倾向哪一种?

  task3 reading里面是讲:学校图书馆要增加locker,但是只提供给大四的学生使用。 locker的位置在图书馆书架旁边。

  listening里面讲:女生不同意。理由1:不应该是提供给大四,虽然女生是大二学生,她每天也要背很多书去图书馆,很累,这样不公平。 理由2:书架的位置不好。同学借了书不愿意去1楼的reception登记,直接把书放进locker里面,这样其他要借书的同学找不到书。

  task4 reading里面讲一个概念:egocentric thinking。大致是说,小朋友认为别人的思维方式跟他们是一样的。



  task5 男生遇到一个问题,他的一个friend要来看望他,男生要去机场接他的朋友,路程要1个小时,但是那天刚好有男生很想看的书的读者会(类似的这个东西,没听清楚),时间冲突了。



  task6 教授讲为什么有些树很长命。long-lived trees。给出两个解释。


  原因2:这些树有很广很深的root system,让树在大风吹的时候不会倒。



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