Shanghai-based Carrefour (China) Group denies the accusation posted by a micro-blogger that its stores sell oilfish as cod, saying the cod for sale are silver pout and buffalo cod, species of cod family, and have proper certificates from import authorities。
Carrefour made the statement on its official micro blog at sina.com.cn after a post by netizen Triple Yan saying that toxic oilfish, banned in food markets in Europe, was sold in Carrefour labeled as cod was widely circulated。
The two fish species for sale in Carrefour have been licensed by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau - China's top entry-exit regulator, noted the company, urging "the whistleblower" to contact them and vowing to investigate into its supply chains in an effort to protect consumers' rights。
"Oilfish could also be regarded as a subspecies of cod, although edible, it is fat-rich and could cause physical discomforts like diarrhea for certain people," said Gu Zhenhua, deputy director of the Shanghai municipal food security regulator. He added that China has yet to have regulatory rules or ban on cod sale。
油鱼(oilfish)学名为棘鳞蛇鲭(scentific name: Ruvettus Pretiosus),脂肪含量丰富,其中超过90%为蜡脂。
太平洋鳕鱼 Pacific cod 大西洋鳕鱼 Atlantic cod 狭鳕 Alaska pollack
在《有关识别及标签油鱼/鳕鱼的指引》中明确指出,只有鳕形目鱼类在销售时才可采用包含“鳕”字(Only fish belonging to the order Gadiformes should use common name containing the word “cod”/“鳕”)。