Nanotechnology:Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Nanotechnology is the science of moving individual atoms around andputting them precisely where we want. Since everything is composed ofatoms, by doing this we can, in theory, construct anything we want. Forexample, by moving around the atoms in a piece of coal, we could createa diamond.
Currently, nanotechnology is still quite crude. Scientists can alter theproperties of things like plastics or cloth to make them harder or softer ormore durable, but they can’t build something new from a collection ofatoms. Why? Well, because things are made up of billions of atoms and ittakes too long to move them around.
So, the next big step in nanotechnology will be building machinesthat can do this automatically. Once we have these we should be able tomake almost anything with no waste and no pollution, at very little cost.Scientists think that the first “Universal Assembler” might be built inaround 15 years.