Almost half of Americans want their first child to be a boy, according to a new study.
Out of the 2,129 recently married couples surveyed by money-saving website CouponCodes4You, 47 percent said they would prefer to have a son first, and most said it was because boys are 'less hard work'.
Only 21 percent of the respondents said they would like to have a daughter as their first child, and 32 percent said they had no preference either way.
The study also found that the majority of those who wanted a son first – 63 percent - were men themselves, while males made up just 11 percent of those who preferred a daughter as their first child.
While the majority of couples wanted a son first, the reasons behind their gender preferences were varied.
Most of the couples who wanted a boy – 45 percent - said they felt that having a son would be 'less hard work' than a daughter.
On the other hand, a third said they wanted a boy because older sons are better at looking after their younger siblings.
And 19 percent admitted they prioritize having a son because they want him to carry the family name.
But even though boys are preferred as the oldest child, couples did not rule out having a girl altogether – 37 percent said they would like to have a daughter second.
The study found that while raising a boy is perceived as easier, couples who wanted to have a daughter first see older girls as 'better role models' to their younger siblings.