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2020-04-26 13:51     作者 :    





  A. ccording to paragraph 4, which of the following is true about materials used in the construction of buildings? (备考指导3-Architecture)

  A. Because new building materials are hard to find, construction techniques have changed very little from past generations.

  B. The availability of suitable building materials no longer limits the types of structures that may be built.

  C. The primary building materials that are available today are wood, stone, and brick.

  D. Architects in earlier times did not have enough building materials to enclose large spaces.

  这道题中的D选项就犯了编造事实的错误。原文中的相关信息是“In earlier times it was necessary to design structural systems suitable for the materials that were available, such as wood, stone, brick.”,说的是早期的建筑材料种类少,只有木材、石头和砖块等,并没有说数量上是否充足,因此D选项是错误的。



  8. All of following are mentioned in paragraph 5 as possible reasons that led societies to develop theater EXCEPT(练习题1-The Origins of Theater)

  A. Theater allows people to face that they are afraid of.

  B. Theater gives an opportunity to imagine a better reality.

  C. Theater is a way to enjoy imitating other people.

  D. Theater provides people the opportunity to better understand the human mind.

  这道题中D选项在原文中的相关信息是“The theater, then, is one tool whereby people define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities.” 意思是:“所以,戏剧成为了一种帮助人们认识和理解这个世界,或是帮助人们逃避不满现实的工具。”文中说的是“understand their world”,但D选项则把范围缩小成了“understand the human mind”,因此这道题的答案就是D选项(注意这道题是一个“Except”题)。



  According to paragraph 6, what is the main disadvantage of the proposed plans to transport river water to the High Plains?(练习题3-Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer)

  A. The rivers cannot supply sufficient water for the farmer’s needs.

  B. Increased irrigation costs would make the products too expensive.

  C. The costs of using capillary water for irrigation will increase.

  D. Farmers will be forced to switch to genetically engineered crops.

  根据题干中的 “disadvantage”和“transport river water”定位到原文中的“Unfortunately, the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold, making the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitive on the national and international mark.” 意思是:“不幸的是,通过以上任何一种方式(通过运河或管道输送河水)获得水资源都会将抽水的成本提高10倍以上,进而导致这一地区的灌溉农产品成本在国内和国际市场上失去竞争力。”可见解决成本问题是从河流引水这样的解决方案的关键所在,灌溉成本增加导致农产品在国内及国际市场上的竞争力下降。C选项提到了灌溉成本,但题干说的是引入河水的解决方案的缺陷,因此C选项是不正确的。


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