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外刊精读 |《经济学人》:真假精神病人:装疯的心理学家

2021-12-20 16:00     作者 :    


  Mad in craft


  The psychologist who pretended to be insane


  Susannah Cahalan grippingly explores an influential—but unreliable—experiment

  苏珊娜•卡哈兰(Susannah Cahalan)带着沉重的心情探索了一个有影响力但不可靠的实验

  1. IN 1973 DAVID ROSENHAN, an American psychologist, published a paper entitled “On Being Sane in Insane Places”. He had recruited seven volunteers to join him in feigning mental illness, to expose what he called the “undoubtedly counter-therapeutic” culture of his country’spsychiatric hospitals. The readiness with which the group’s sham symptoms were taken for the real thing seemed to show that even highly trained professionals could not accurately differentiate between the sick and the well.


  2. For at least a decade, a crusade against traditional psychiatry had been gathering pace. In common with the period’s civil-rights campaigners, the leaders of this movement disputed the power of institutions and their prescriptions about society’s norms. Rosenhan’s findings played a crucial part in reinforcing the charges of sceptics who believed that mainstream psychiatric practice was crudely repressive. Indeed, they sparked debate about the very definition of mental illness.


  3. In “The Great Pretender” Susannah Cahalan provides a vivid account of Rosenhan’s “undercover mission”. Her interest in him began with her own experience of beingmisdiagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, when in fact she had an autoimmunedisease—as documented in her memoir “Brain on Fire” (2012). In her new book she recalls her delighted recognition as she read Rosenhan’s attack on the hubris that can blight psychiatry. Looking more closely at the man and his work seemed a way to sharpen her sense of the flaws in the profession’s diagnostic systems. Yet as she examined his notes and tried to track down his seven fellow “pseudopatients”, she began to have doubts about his methods.


  4. Rosenhan (who died in 2012) was a gifted teacher, combining twinkly charisma with aflair for memorable anecdotes. But although he achieved academic eminence, holding chairs in both psychology and law at Stanford University, even his admirers acknowledged that he was slippery and given to drama. This was useful when he was trying to pass himself off as an ill man in need of psychiatric treatment. As Ms Cahalan reveals, however, his less enthusiastic colleagues thought he was “shady” and “avoided work like the plague”. His most severe critic, Robert Spitzer of Columbia University, bemoaned the sheer seductiveness of Rosenhan’s writings, opening a takedown with the remark that “Some foods taste delicious but leave a bad aftertaste.”

  罗森汉(2012年去世)是一位很有天赋的老师,他既有令人难忘的奇闻轶事,又有闪耀的个人魅力。尽管他取得了学术成就,在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)担任心理学和法学教授,但就连他的崇拜者也承认,他很狡猾,是个戏精。当他试图伪装成一个需要精神病治疗的病人时,这很有用。然而,卡哈兰透露,他那些不那么崇拜他的同事认为他“靠不住”,“像躲避瘟疫一样逃避工作”。他最严厉的批评者,哥伦比亚大学的罗伯特·斯皮策(Robert Spitzer),批评罗森汉著作中引导性的词汇,并谴责道“有些食物尝起来很美味,但留下的却是糟糕的余味”。

  5. “The Great Pretender” is a sobering exercise in revisionism. It is also an impressive feat of investigative journalism—tenaciously conducted, appealingly written (despite the odd purple patch) and, when it focuses on Rosenhan’s story, as compelling as a detective novel. In the end Rosenhan emerges as an unpalatable symptom of a wider academic malaise.


  6. Many of psychology’s most famous experiments have recently been discredited ordevalued, the author notes. Immense significance has been attached to Stanley Milgram’s shock tests and Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, yet later re-runs have failed to reproduce their findings. As Ms Cahalan laments, the feverish reports on the undermining of such theories are a gift to people who would like to discredit science itself.

  作者指出,最近许多的心理学实验都遭到了质疑或贬低。斯坦利·米尔格拉姆(Stanley Milgram)的休克试验和菲利普·津巴多(Philip Zimbardo)的斯坦福监狱实验具有重大意义,但后来的二次实验未能重现他们的发现。正如卡哈伦女士所哀叹的那样,这些破坏这些科学理论的狂热报道,给了那些想要破坏科学本身名誉的人可乘之机。







  psychiatric /ˌsaɪkɪˈætrɪk/ adj. 精神病学的;治疗精神病的


  The course leads to a diploma in psychiatric nursing.


  counter-therapeutic 反治疗的

  feign /feɪn/ vt. 假装;装作;捏造;想象


  He looked at me with an astonishment that was certainly not feigned.


  crusade /kruː'seɪd/ n. 改革运动;十字军东侵vi. 加入十字军;从事改革运动


  crusade againstv. 讨伐


  More heartening is the president's crusade against corruption.


  blight /blaɪt/n. 枯萎病;荒芜vt. 使…枯萎;破坏


  And how disadvantage casts a sometimes irreparable blight over people's lives.


  undercover /ʌndə'kʌvə/ adj. 暗中进行的;秘密做出的;私下的;做密探工作的


  he worked undercover in Northern Ireland.


  A federal judge upheld the undercover methods used in the case.


  misdiagnose /mɪs'daɪəgnəʊz/ v. 错误地诊断(或判断、断定)


  The problem with race medicine extends far beyond misdiagnosing patients.


  schizoaffective 情感性分裂的


  The cohort of their study included 69 subjects with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, aged 18 to 60, and all on antipsychotic medications and stable.


  autoimmune /ˌɔːtəʊɪ'mjuːn/ adj. 自身免疫的; 自体免疫的


  It also mimics various diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.


  hubris /'hjuːbrɪs/ n. 骄傲自大,自恃


  Above all, it is testimony to the hubris of politicians.


  pseudo-patient 假病人

  given to 惯于…;倾向于;给予


  Perhaps this was everyone's Thanksgiving, not for the material things given to us but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to others.


  charisma /kə'rɪzmə/ n. 神授的能力;非凡的领导力;魅力


  His charisma and folksy advice have earned him cult-like status among the country's entrepreneurs.


  flair /fleə/ n. 天资;天分;眼光;才华


  she had a flair for languages.


  bemoan /bɪ'məʊn/ vt. 惋惜;为…恸哭


  You can celebrate or bemoan these accomplishments.


  seductive /sɪ'dʌktɪv/ adj. 诱惑的,诱人的,勾引人的,富有魅力的


  Seductive, witty and intelligent, Manet was also financially independent.


  aftertaste /'ɑːftəteɪst/ n. 回味,余韵


  As the most popular basketballer in China, Yao deserves people’s aftertaste and summary for what he did accomplish.


  tenacious /tɪ'neɪʃəs/ adj. 粘牢的, 粘住的, 抓牢的;紧握的, 不放松的, 坚决的


  At other times they capture it with a tenacious glue that paralyzes its movements.


  purple patch 词藻华丽的段落


  He verges on whimsy at times, and there are purple patches: A russet moon rose tonight, its reflection in the shattered lake ice like a blood-red Host on a wounded altar.


  unpalatable /ʌn'pælətəb(ə)l/ adj. 味道差的,不好吃的


  Meanwhile, the neck fluids are unpalatable to birds, but don't bother ants.


  malaise /mæ'leɪz/ n. 不舒服;心神不安


  Others think the West's true malaise is not mechanical but moral: a love of money, markets and material things.


  discredit /dɪs'kredɪt/ vt. 使不相信, 使怀疑;败坏…的名声;拒绝相信, 不相信, 怀疑n. 丧失信誉, 丧失名誉


  Although the last two papers I've written were widely discredited.


  devalue /diː'væljuː/ vt. 使贬值;降低…的价值


  The president, meanwhile, said China would not boost its trade competitiveness by devaluing its currency.


  lament /lə'ment/ n. 挽歌;恸哭;悲痛之情vi. 悲叹;悔恨;哀悼


  lament overv. 哀悼


  We all lamented the death of our friend.


  feverish /'fiːv(ə)rɪʃ/ adj. 发热的;极度兴奋的


  He looked feverish and ill, and had a bad cough.


  undermine /ʌndə'maɪn/ vt. 在某物下挖洞或挖通道; 侵蚀…的基础;暗中破坏; 逐渐削弱


  My father's health was undermined by drink.


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