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托福阅读易错题解析 | TPO-40 阅读1

2024-08-13 17:56     作者 :    






  Ancient Athens(TPO-40阅读1)

  The first steps toward change were taken by Solon in 594 B.C.,when he broke the aristocracy's stranglehold on elected offices【B选项】by establishing wealth rather than birth as the basis of office holding,abolishing the economic obligations of ordinary Athenians【D选项】to the aristocracy,and allowing the assembly(of which all citizens were equal members【D选项】)to overrule the decisions of local courts in certain cases.The strength of the Athenian aristocracy was further weakened during the rest of the century by the rise of a type of government known as a tyranny,which is a form of interim rule by a popular strongman(not rule by a ruthless dictator as the modern use of the term suggests to us).The Peisistratids,as the succession of tyrants were called(after the founder of the dynasty,Peisistratos),strengthened Athenian central administration at the expense of the aristocracy by appointing judges throughout the region,producing Athens’first national coinage,and adding and embellishing festivals that tended to focus attention on Athens rather than on local villages of the surrounding region.By the end of the century,the time was ripe for more change:the tyrants were driven out,and in 508 B C a new reformer,Cleisthenes,gave final form to the developments reducing aristocratic control already under way.


  3.According to paragraph 3,an important effect of making wealth the basis of office holding was to__________.

  A.make fewer people qualified to be members of the assembly

  B.make it possible for non-aristocrats to hold office

  C.help the aristocrats maintain power

  D.Increase economic opportunities for all Athenian citizens






  D选项意思:增加所有雅典公民的经济机会。该选项对应原文绿体字部分。原文绿体字部分意思:废除了雅典普通公民对贵族的经济义务,并且让(由平等的雅典民众组成的)集会来支配法庭的决定。学生看到这两条信息会觉得这两个政策都是有利于雅典民众的,给予了民众更多平等,而且解放了民众的经济负担,所以会自然而然觉得是D选项。但是该选项错在两点,第一:不能回答问题。题干问的是making wealth the basis of office holding这个行为的影响。而原文那句话是三个doing短语在并列,分别是establishing.........,abolishing.......,and allowing......;也就是说题干句和绿体字是并列关系,但是题干问的是影响,应该找因果关系才对。所以绿色字体压根就不是答案范围,根本不必看。其次:张冠李戴。原文废除经济义务确实可以理解为提升经济机会,但是原文只说ordinary people,不是all citizen。而all citizen限定的不是经济问题,而是allowing部分的权利和平等问题。





  按照这个思路,我们重新做一遍本题。首先审题:题干问effect of making wealth the basis of office holding was to,那么定位:making wealth the basis of office holding。考点:effect。然后定位到第一句。要分析本句话是否有effect,如果本句有就利用本句作答,本句没有再往下看。本题的难点就是对第一句话结构的分析,因为这是个长难句。

  The first steps toward change were taken by Solon in 594 B.C.,when he broke the aristocracy's stranglehold on elected offices by establishing wealth rather than birth as the basis of office holding,abolishing the economic obligations of ordinary Athenians to the aristocracy,and allowing the assembly(of which all citizens were equal members)to overrule the decisions of local courts in certain cases

  首先when把本句分成两部分,再看when里面,有and并列,and的并列双方必须保证语法形式一致,且以and后为参照,往前找相同,所以是三个doing短语并列,分别是establishing......,abolishing......,and allowing.....,而这三个doing都接在by后面所以相当于是三个方式。那么整个句子的框架就是:主句+when........by 3个doing。根据这个关系来看by前面才是三个doing的结果。所以答案句应该是when.......by之间。也就是he broke the aristocracy's stranglehold on elected offices。意思是打破贵族对office的垄断控制。所以替换成B:non-aristocrats to hold office。




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