这一讲,我们来看到深藏不露的平行结构,作为平行结构的进阶式考法。我们先来看题: Like ancient Egyptian architectural materials that were recycled in the construction of ancient Greek Alexandria, so ancient Greek materials from the construction of that city were reused in subsequent centuries by Roman, Muslim, and modern builders. A) Like ancient Egyptian architectural materials that were recycled in the construction of B) Like recycling ancient Egyptian architectural materials to construct C) Just as ancient Egyptian architectural materials were recycled in the construction of D) Just as they recycled ancient Egyptian architectural materials in constructing E) Just like ancient Egyptian architectural materials that were recycled in constructing 首先,在这个句子中,我们居然找不到可以提示并列关系的词——没有and,没有but或not ... but …,没有or,没有either … or … 或neither … nor …,没有not only … but also … 之类的任何。怎么找出句子中的平行结构呢? 其实,这道题的考察点,不仅仅是“平行结构”,而是建立在“一致原则”基础上的“平行结构”。所谓“一致”,就是这个句子的整个框架必须是“如同/正如/就像A如何如何,B如何何如”,其中,A和B必须是同一类的概念,才能形成“如同/正如/就像”这样的类比关系。 于是,我们找到没有划线部分的那个分句——“so ancient Greek materials from the construction of that city were reused in subsequent centuries by Roman, Muslim, and modern builders”,也就是“B如何何如”这个分句其中的B是“ancient Greek materials”。 此时,我们可以判定:在“A如何如何”中的A必须对应这个B。至此,我们发现符合这个一直原则的选项还剩下选项A、选项C、选项E。 到了这一步,“一致原则”的作用已经完毕。“平行结构”要派上用场了: 由于“so ancient Greek materials from the construction of that city were reused in subsequent centuries by Roman, Muslim, and modern builders”中“ancient Greek materials”(后面的“from the construction of that city”不过是作为修饰的后制定语而言)是分句的主语,后面有动词被动形式“were reused”,也就是说此处是个完整的句子(clause)。 那么,这个“B如何如何”的部分决定了前面“A如何如何”也必须是个完整的句子(clause),以此来让两个分句构成“平行结构”。 此时,我们放心大胆抛弃选项A和选项E,同时,从容而自信的确定选项C为正确答案。 带入正确答案后的句子拆解开来如下: Just as 【分句一】:ancient Egyptian architectural materials were recycled in the construction of ancient Greek Alexandria, so 【分句二】:ancient Greek materials from the construction of that city were reused in subsequent centuries by Roman, Muslim, and modern builders. 所以,大家现在发现和明白这个句子的“平行结构”是怎么回事了吧。 接下来,我们根据这一句的经验看看接下来这道题: Unlike the virginal, whose single set of strings runs parallel to the front edge of the instrument, the harpsichord’s several sets of strings are placed at right angles to its front edge. A) whose single set of strings runs parallel to the front edge of the instrument, the harpsichord's several sets of strings are B) with a single set of strings running parallel to the front edge of the instrument, the several sets of strings of the harpsichord are C) which has a single set of strings that runs parallel to the front edge of the instrument, in the case of the harpsichord, several sets of strings are D) which has a single set of strings that run parallel to the front edge of the instrument, the harpsichord has several sets of strings E) in which a single set of strings run parallel to the front edge of the instrument, the harpsichord's several sets of strings are 在这个句子中,我们依然找不到可以提示并列关系的词——没有and,没有but或not ... but …,没有or,没有either … or … 或neither … nor …,没有not only … but also … 之类的任何。但是,我们已经不怕了。 不过,虽然我们同样需要先用“一致原则”作为基础,但是这道题里的“平行结构”要比上一题里的更加深藏。给大家一个提示:这里的“平行”依然发生在clause之间。并且不要以为clause只是分句,其实,clause也可以是从句或主句。提示至此,我们就不说更多了。 给大家展示带入正确答案后的句子拆解: Unlike the virginal, 【clause一:从句】:which has a single set of strings that run parallel to the front edge of the instrument, 【clause二:主句】:the harpsichord has several sets of strings placed at right angles to its front edge. 此题的答案为选项D。 至此,我们对于“平行结构(Parallelism)”的讲解告一段落。作为承前启后的一期,我们今天还提及了“一致原则(Agreement)”,也就是说,我们接下来会破解关于“一致原则”的题目了。第4期见。