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首页 > 大学 > 潮流英语 > 伦敦奥运价几何:其实是“银”牌?


2012-07-07 16:10     作者 :    


  THE gold medalsthat will be awardedin London this year will be the biggest and heaviest handed out at any summer Olympics. At 400 grams (14 ounces) they will be 17 times heavier than at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. On the other hand, the 1912 games were the last one where gold medals were made entirely of gold. Now they consist mainly of silver with a thin coat of gold—6 grams is the minimumrequirement. The London medal will have a gold contentof only about 1.5%, and at current prices will be worth $706. Calculations by The Economist find that this is much more than the "podiumvalue" of any previous gold medal (based on estimates of the compositionof medals and bullionprices at the time, adjustedfor inflation). This is partly because gold and silver prices are now historically high and partly because this year’s medal is so much heavier, even though the extra weight is silver rather than gold. For the first time, the silver in this year’s "gold" medal is actually worth more than its gold content. Moreover, if the metal content of earlier medals is valued at today’s bullion prices, the London gold is worth only just over half of those handed out in 1912.


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