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2012-07-07 17:46     作者 :    


  London's 2012 Games will be the first Olympics to be broadcast live in 3D, Panasonic announced today. Manolo Romero, the firm's director of Olympic Broadcasting Services, revealed a pool of global broadcasters is being brought on board to make it happen. So far, 14 have agreed but 'it will be more in the next few weeks'.

  据悉,一位松下集团的负责人指出,在2012年伦敦奥运会举行期间,全球观众将有机会看到包括开幕式和闭幕式在内的所有大型赛事与活动的立体影像。松下集团将采用特殊的设备和技术对超过200小时的奥运会录像进行处理,以让其达到的3D效果。奥林匹克广播服务公司首席执行官马诺洛? 罗梅罗称部分设备已经各就各位。

  More than 40 venues will be filmed using the technology, covering the opening and closing ceremonies and more than 12 sports, some of which will be covered in 3D for the first time. For the on-site production Panasonic will provide 3D equipment including camcorders, TV monitors and a technical team for live 3D TV production at London 2012.


  It is a tie-up between Panasonic, a worldwide Olympic sponsor, the Olympic Broadcasting Services and the International Olympic Committee. Describing the move to 3D as 'historic', Mr Romero told a technology conference in Berlin: 'We believe that this will be the most significant step in the sporting history of broadcasting.'


  Takumi Kajisha, Panasonic's corporate communications managing director, said: 'It is no doubt that the Olympic Games provides the best ever content for the 3D market and 3D will drastically change the way we enjoy the Games in the living room.

  松下公司主管执行官Takumi Kajisha表示:“与奥运会合作对于凸显我公司在3D市场上的技术应用有着至关重要的作用,对我们来说是前所未有的机遇。”

  The challenge at London 2012 will be to cover a range of sports effectively and in a fresh way in the new format. Onlookers should notice a difference in coverage with the 3D format, according to Mr Romero. He said: 'We do not want to do tricks with sport. We want to show it as it is but we also want to show what is possible in 3D. 'We will study to see how to change the coverage of the traditional sports. We have producers studying how to do this.' The problem of not enough people having 3D equipment is fast being overcome.


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