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严阵以待 安全奥运

2012-07-07 19:32     作者 :    


  Prevent any terrorist threats that may happen in London Olympics


  The clock counting down the minutes to the 2012 London Olympics in the foyer of the riverside headquarters of MI5 is a reminder that the agency is preparing for what one source calls "a monstrous challenge in terms of scale and speed". Nearly all leave has been cancelled for that summer. Not surprisingly it will be the first time that an Olympics has been held in a country where there is considered to be a high threat of terrorist attack. Only a few weeks ago, seven people from Birmingham were charged with terrorist offences. Other agencies, not least the police, share responsibility for the security of the games. As well as terrorism, the authorities have identified public disorder, crime and "non-malicious hazards" - anything from summer flooding to an epidemic of infectious disease, as threats to their smooth running. But it is the magnet of the Olympics as the backdrop for a terrorist "spectacular", or a series of smaller attacks, that is most dreaded, and which it is above all the job of MI5 to identify and disrupt.

  在军情五处泰晤士河边总部的门前的2012年伦敦奥运会倒计时牌对于该机构是个提醒, 让他们为一媒体所说‘这在规模和速度上都是个巨大的挑战’做好准备。那年暑假的几乎所有休假全部被取消了。这并不奇怪,这将是奥运会次在一个受到如此高恐怖攻击威胁的国家被举办。仅在几星期之前,伯明翰就有几人被指控犯有恐怖主义罪行。其他机构,尤其是警察,他们需要为奥运会安全分担责任。除了恐怖主义,当局还要把公共秩序,犯罪和‘非恶意危害’(任何从夏季洪水到传染病疫情)纳入威胁奥运会平稳运转的考虑因素。但是奥运会的背景如一块磁石般吸引着恐怖分子,促使他们发布壮举或者是一系列小型攻击,那是最令英国人头痛的,并且军情五处的首要工作就是识别和阻止这种事情。

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