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首页 > 大学 > 大学英语 > 从“代沟”到“代圈”


2012-03-28 18:17     作者 :    


We often hear about the “generation gap” that occurs between parents and children when it comes to music, morals, fashion and a host of other things. Now there is a generation lap, the tendency for young people to be increasingly more technically savvy than their parents or elders. This gap exists in the use of technology where the young generation has become the authority, effectively flipping the typical parental and professional hierarchy on its head in many respects.
They’re not just ahead of their parents in the way they use technology, they’ve lapped their parents and are working at a whole new level. That’s why there is an unbelievable example from Finland where the government has hand-selected 5000 Net Generations to train the country’s teachers how to use computers. The students are the teachers and the teachers will be the students.


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