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Barking up the Wrong Tree白费力气

2012-04-06 17:37     作者 :    




  A man tried to sell his neighbor a new dog for five dollars"This is a talking dog"he said"Stop behaving stupidly,”the neighbor replied,“how can a beast like that talk? Or you mean bark?” Suddenly, the dog looked up and said with tears in his eyes, “Please buy me, Sir."This man is mean.He keeps me in a barn and I have to sleep in a barrel.He feeds me only beans and never walks me to the bay, and the only toy I have is a waste battery.Basically speaking, he treats me like a beggar.On the basis of his behavior, I'm sure he'll abuse me with his baseball bat one day.And mind you, I hate his ugly beard.I used to be the richest trick dog in the country, and have the best bearing, too.I can jump over the highest barrier and barrel over any high beam.I attended the Animals Olympics on behalf of the country.I had so many fans who loved me so much that my bodyguards had trouble keeping them at bay"The dog beamed with pride.

  "Hey, ”said the neighbor, “he can talk! How come you want to sell him for just five dollars? ... I'm selling him on my own behalf.I'm getting tired of his lies, which have a bearing on my kids, too, and wish he would only talk with a bark"the seller said.


  bark (狗等)吠,叫n 1. 吠声,叫声; 2. 树皮

  barn 谷仓,牲口棚

  barrel 1. 桶; 2. 筒,枪(或炮)管vi 快速移动

  barrier 1. 栅栏,关卡,检票口; 2. 障碍,隔阂; 3. 屏障

  baseball 棒球

  basically 基本上,从根本上说

  basis 基础,根据,原则

  bat 1. 蝙蝠; 2. 球棒,球拍

  battery 1. 电池(组),蓄电池(组); 2. 排炮,炮组; 3. 一系列,一套

  bay 1. (海或湖泊的)湾; 2. (大厅等建筑物内的)分隔间

  keep/hold sth at bay使无法近身

  beam 1. (光线等的)束,柱; 2. 梁,桁,横梁; 3. 笑容,喜色vi 面露喜色vt 定向发出(无线电信号等),播送

  bean 豆

  beard 胡须

  bearing 1. 举止,风度; 2. pl 方位,方向感; 3. 轴承

  have a bearing on与…有关,对…有影响

  beast 1. 野兽,牲畜,动物

  2. 凶残的人,令人厌恶的人

  beggar 乞丐vt 使贫穷

  behalf 利益,方面

  on/in behalf of代表,为了

  behave 1. 表现,举止端正; 2. (机器等)运转,(事物)作出反应

  vt (oneself)检点(自己)的行为

  behavior 1. 行为,举止,表现; 2. (机器等的)运转情况,(事物的)反应




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