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2012-04-27 21:52     作者 :    


We're all about having a healthy work-life balance, but it's inevitable to have ups and downs. If you're struggling to cope with workplace stress, you might be cheered by this Harvard Business Review article, which says you can make your stress work to your advantage.
Shawn Achor, HBR writer, says: "Stress can cause the human brain to use more of its capabilities, improve memory and intelligence, increase productivity, and even speed recovery from things like knee surgery. Research indicates that stress, even at high levels, creates greater mental toughness, deeper relationships, heightened awareness, new perspectives, a sense of mastery, a greater appreciation for life, a heightened sense of meaning, and strengthened priorities."
We hear all about the negatives of stress but rarely hear about some of the better effects. Not to mention, it's easy to tap into the benefits of stress — you just need to view it as enhancing rather than debilitating.
The results of this research don't mean that we should all strive for more stress at work. Instead, we should try to channel that energy into something that will have a more productive outcome. For example, if work issues are weighing you down, clean your house as a way of harnessing the energy of your frustrations and putting it to good use. Other great outlets include exercising and organizing your clutter.
这个研究结果并不是要鼓励我们多给自己压力,而是要转化压力,去做更To be efficient的事情。比如说,当你工作得喘不过气来的时候,你可以去打扫屋子,把你的怒气怨气都转换成能量去做些有益的事。你也可以去做运动或者做做整理工作来转化压力。


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