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歪果仁对你说"You're a peach"什么意思?他是在夸你还是在骂你?

2023-02-16 10:26     作者 :    


  大家都知道peach是桃子,但是,当歪果仁对你说"You are a peach", 你会不会觉得有点错乱?这是什么意思呢?


  "A perfect peach"就是“人见人爱”的意思。"You're a peach"说的就是“你真是个好人!”

  peach除了可以形容人好,还可以夸人家皮肤好,容光焕发,比如peaches and cream.

  例:Her skin is like peaches and cream.





  例:You can't even cook? You're such a lemon. 你居然都不会做饭?真没用。


  例:That car is a lemon. 那辆车不值钱。

  This is not a new phone. They handed me a lemon. 这不是新手机,他们把次品卖给我了。


  例:The answer is a lemon.这个答案太荒谬了。


  sour grapes 既可以用来形容味道,也可以形容对他人的羡慕嫉妒。

  那么,“sour grapes”到底是不是“酸葡萄”的意思呢?其实,它就是指“吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸”,是一句地道俚语。

  例:1、She says she doesn’t want that new dress. I think it’s just sour grapes.


  2、His snide remarks about the winners are nothing but sour grapes.他对获胜者的尖刻评论只不过是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸罢了。

  3、This may seem like sour grapes.这看起来是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的心理。



  go bananas 千万别把它翻译成“去你的香蕉”吧!根据其英英释义” become extremely angry or excited”,意为“激动、疯狂、神魂颠倒”的意思(注意这里的banana 要用复数哦),意同:be crazy。

  例:It's difficult to work with Tom and I'm going bananas.跟汤姆共事太难了,我快要发疯了。

  另外,to drive (someone) bananas是“惹怒某人”的意思(就像 mad 这个单词,go mad 是“发疯”的意思,而 drive someone mad 便是“把某人逼疯”)。

  top banana:一把手,大老板


  例:He plans to be the top banana within a year.他计划一年内成为大老板。

  而”second banana”指“在戏剧中的(喜剧表演中配合主角的)第二喜剧演员,配角,次要角色,次要人物”,也可以指“副手、第二把手”

  例:He always plays second banana in the team.他在团队中可有可无。

  one-banana problem 英文字面上看是“一个香蕉的问题”,这个表达是表示训练过的猴子都能解决的问题,也可以理解成一根香蕉就能解决的问题,即易如反掌的事或一下子、简简单单就能解决的问题。

  例:It's only a one-banana problem at the most; what's taking them so long?这是最多一根香蕉(难度)的问题,是什么让他们花了这么长时间?


  例:Ask that banana-head how she forgot to bring wallet again.问问那个傻瓜,为什么又没带钱包。

  one banana short of a bunch 脑子不灵光“bunch”有“串,束,扎”之意,还有“群体,大批,大量”的意思。

  “one banana short of a bunch”则是带有贬义含义的固定词组,用来表达人不太聪明或者心理承受能力差。

  例:He says he's going to start a business selling bees as pets—I think he may be one banana short of a bunch.他说他要创业,把蜜蜂当作宠物销售来挣钱——我觉得他可能脑子不太灵光。

  apple 不止是苹果

  apple of one’s eye 掌上明珠、心肝宝贝(指某人极为珍爱的人或物)

  例: Grandfather always made the most fuss of Gillian; she is the apple of his eye.祖父总是极其宠爱Gillian,她是他的掌上明珠。

  apples and oranges 这是一个常用习语,根据其英英释义to compare things that are very different,表示“风马牛不相及的事物;天差地别的事物”,它在美式英语中十分常见。

  例:You can't compare your job as a doctor to mine as a musician—that's comparing apples and oranges!你是位医生,我是位音乐家,你没法比较咱两的工作,因为它们风马牛不相及。

  rotten/bad apple 害群之马

  从字面上来看,“rotten/bad apple”是“烂/坏苹果”的意思。根据英英释义someone who does bad things and influences other people so that they do bad things too,可以得出它是“害群之马”的意思。

  例:All of the students are well behaved apart from one bad apple who likes to stir up trouble in the class.全班学生都表现得很好,除了一个害群之马总爱在班里惹是生非

  cherry 不止是樱桃

  cherry pick 精挑细选

  例:Paul always cherry picks the best books from the second had book shop.Paul总是在二手书店精挑细选选择最好的书。

  a bowl of cherries 美事

  例:Life is not always a bowl of cherries.生活不会永远舒适下去。

  the cherry on the cake 锦上添花

  例:The function of the camera itself is a beast, so the design is the cherry on the cake.这个相机本身性能就超赞,加上漂亮的设计就更是锦上添花。

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