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2023-02-23 10:31     作者 :    


#张雪峰吐槽还60万房贷利息57万# 的词条冲上热搜,引发大量网友讨论。
《自然》杂志子刊《人类行为》在去年10月发表了一篇名为《自疫情以来预期寿命发生变化》(Life expectancy changes since COVID-19)的文章,文章中指出:“疫情导致欧美大部分国家预期寿命在过去70年中史无前例的下降!到2021年底,美国和部分欧洲国家的预期寿命持续低于大流行前的水平。”
根据新加坡统计局的数据,2021年新加坡居民出生时预期寿命(Life Expectancy at Birth)为83.5岁,与疫情前2019年的83.7岁相比下降约2个月。这是自1957年有记录以来,新加坡预期寿命首次下降。其中,男性预期寿命为81.1岁,较疫前下降约两个月;女性预期寿命为85.9岁,与2019年持平。
《华盛顿邮报》在两年前的一篇文章《是的,有恐慌。但我正在拥抱一种慢生活》(Yes, there is panic. But I’m embracing a slower life.)中提到了疫情给人们带来的改变:尽管疫情造成了全球大部分地区人们的恐惧,但它也强迫更多人放慢了生活的脚步。
作者为马里兰大学医学院的临床神经放射学家和研究员Erin O'Connor  Erin O'Connor 一家合影
Yes, there is panic. But I’m embracing a slower life.
Erin O’Connor
It took a virus to slow us down. My husband and I, full-time working parents of four children, have been keeping a rapid pace for as long as we can remember. We live in Howard County, Md., which has a strong school system and competitive youth sports programs.
One month ago, a typical weekend would include basketball games, multiple flag football matches and a gymnastics meet. When Sunday nights arrived, we were finishing school projects on a deadline, making the week’s schedule and preparing meals for the coming days.
The coronavirus pandemic has brought that frantic pace to a screeching halt. The boys’ first spring baseball tournament was canceled and our daughter’s state gymnastic meet was scrapped. Instead, we watched “The Sound of Music” and ate chips on the living room couch. The children’s schools are closed, and we are lucky enough to have jobs that allow us to predominantly work from home. Rather than driving the children to and from extracurricular activities in the evenings, we now review essays and math problems we assigned them earlier in the day. We eat dinner together on a daily basis, instead of devouring to-go meals in the minivan. We take evening family walks to relieve restlessness. My husband and I enjoy watching our kids, ages 13, 11, 9 and 9, run outside and play with one another. While I’m not going to say there haven’t been arguments, our children have been forced to appreciate the companionship their siblings provide.
I have often reflected on our life pace, aware of its frenzied nature. I would meet a work deadline only to find my email inbox flooded with new requests and obligations for work, children, house, etc. I wanted the pace to slow a bit, but just kept going because I was uncertain what to give up. My husband and I used to look at each other at the end of the night, exhausted, and say “Yes, we should try to slow it down.” But the next day would come with an equally rapid tempo. I often looked at the photograph my husband took that hangs in our center hallway and wondered, “How do I do that? How do I find peace?”
While the novel coronavirus has caused fear across much of the world, including in my own house, it has also helped me find a measure of peace. I am conscious that it took a pandemic to slow life down for me. I was unable to make that difficult choice voluntarily. Today, I conversed with neighbors (from a distance) whom I have not seen in months, without anyone’s child calling: “Mom we are going to be late!” We had the gift of time.
I am acutely aware of the dangers of the pandemic. My employer, the University of Maryland School of Medicine, is taking all necessary precautions to minimize exposure and preparing for full extension of the health-care system. My sister’s family is currently on lockdown in Italy, a country where the virus is raging and more than 5,000 people have already died of it. And I continue to witness economic hardship for small businesses in my community, now indefinitely closed. I am not minimizing the grave concerns and sobering death rates inflicted by covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, but I know the most important thing my family can do is stay away from other people. And doing that has made me question why it took a deadly disease for my family to enjoy a home-cooked meal together.
I rose at 5 a.m. Saturday to begin writing this piece before the kids began stirring and admittedly gave them screen time so I could finish it (just a few hours). I have two other unfinished pieces from previous years that I wanted to work on, but this is the first occasion that I completed this essay. After having some breakfast, my family will begin a jigsaw puzzle on the kitchen table — a definite first. I suspect we might complete it in a week, maybe two. My silver lining is that while I have a heavy heart for the many horrors of this crisis, I have been able to carve out a sliver of peace and gratitude in my home, as I suspect many of you have, as well. Maybe, it’s just in a different way than we were expecting.
CPA Practice Advisor的专栏作家Amy Vetter在疫情期间也写过一篇名为《疫情教会我们放慢脚步的重要性》(Covid Taught Us the Importance of Slowing Down)的文章。在文章中她提到,在疫情发生以前,WLB是一场持久战;疫情则让更多人学会了“放慢脚步”和“欣赏小事”。
WLB,Work-Life Balance,工作生活平衡,似乎是职场人的永恒命题。不知道从什么时候开始,享受生活的那部分被焦灼的工作压力代替,无法适时地放松自己。
而疫情造成的不便,给许多人创造了一个审视生活的机会,越来越多人选择慢下来,slow down。
放慢脚步 Slow Down
slow down,中文释义为“减速;放慢速度”。
① Do you need to slow down?  你需要放慢速度吗?
② The car slowed down. 汽车慢下来了。
慢节奏 Downshift


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