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首页 > 英语专区 > 趣你的英语 > 看看外媒都是如何评价《芭比》这部电影的


2023-08-11 14:55     作者 :    



  The Independent 独立日报

  In a five-star review, the Independent's Clarisse Loughrey said: "Barbie is one of the most inventive (adj.有创造力的), immaculately (adv. 完美地)crafted (adj. 精心制作的) and surprising mainstream (adj. 主流的) films in recent memory - a testament to what can be achieved within even the deepest bowels of capitalism.

  "While it's impossible for any studio film to be truly subversive (adj. 颠覆的), especially when consumer culture has caught on to the idea that self-awareness is good for business, Barbie gets away with far more than you'd think was possible."

  《独立报》的 Clarisse Loughrey 在一篇五星评论中说道:"《芭比娃娃》是近期最有创意、制作最精良、最令人惊讶的主流电影之一,它证明了即使在资本主义的最深处也能取得什么样的成就。

  任何制片厂出品的电影都不可能做到真正的颠覆,尤其是当消费文化已经接受了 "自我意识对商业有利 "的观念时,《芭比娃娃》所做到的远远超出了你的想象"。

  The Telegraph 每日电讯报

  The Telegraph's Robbie Collin was also positive, awarding the film four stars and describing it as "deeply bizarre, conceptually slippery and often roar-out-loud hilarious (adj. 令人捧腹大笑的)".

  "It's an unexpected pleasure to report that Greta Gerwig's film - while still fundamentally being a summer comedy adventure about the Barbie toy line - is far from the blunt-force cash grab many of us feared," he wrote.

  "The satirical (adj. 讽刺的) angle - likelier to strike a chord with older viewers than pre-teens - is enthusiastically (adv. 热情的) and mischievously milked.

  英国《每日电讯报》的罗比-科林(Robbie Collin)也对该片给予了积极评价,打出了四颗星,并称该片 "深具怪异性,构思巧妙,常常令人捧腹大笑"。

  "他写道:"格蕾塔-葛韦格(Greta Gerwig)的这部影片虽然从根本上说仍然是一部关于芭比娃娃玩具系列的暑期喜剧冒险片,但却远非我们许多人所担心的那种钝器式的现金掠夺,这真是意外之喜。


  The Darily Mail 每日邮报

  However, the Daily Mail's Sarah Vine was less keen on the representation of men. She wrote: "It's a deeply anti-man movie, an extension of all that TikTok feminism (n. 女权主义) that paints any form of masculinity (n. 男性气质) - other than the most anodyne - as toxic (adj. 有毒的) and predatory (adj. 掠夺性的)...

  "Every male character is either an idiot, a bigot (adj.偏执狂) or a sad, rather pathetic (adj. 可怜的) loser. If the roles were reversed, and a male director made a film about how all women were hysterical (adj.歇斯底里的), neurotic (adj.神经质的), gold-digging witches, it would be denounced (v. 斥责的) - quite rightly - as deeply offensive and sexist."

  She concluded: "It's uneven, disjointed, the plot makes no real sense - and the dead hand of corporate America weighs heavily upon it."

  然而,《每日邮报》的萨拉-维恩(Sarah Vine)却不太看好这部电影对男性的表现。她写道:"这是一部极度反男人的电影,是所有 TikTok 女权主义的延伸,它把任何形式的男性气质--除了最平淡无奇的--都描绘成有毒的、掠夺性的......"。



  The Guardian 卫报

  The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw also gave a lukewarm review, awarding the film three stars.

  He suggested Barbie is "a good-natured but self-conscious (adj. 自我意识的) movie" that is "occasionally very funny, but sometimes also somehow demure and inhibited (adj.抑制的), as if the urge to be funny can only be mean and satirical".

  He added: "This movie is perhaps a giant two-hour commercial for a product, although no more so than The Lego Movie, yet Barbie doesn't go for the comedy jugular anywhere near as gleefully (adj. 乐此不疲的) as that."

  Other critics (n. 批评家) were far more positive. Rolling Stone's David Fear said Barbie "may be the most subversive blockbuster of the 21st Century", while NME's Alex Flood noted the script "contains unexpected subtlety".

  Barbie received its UK premiere (n. 首映) last Wednesday - one of the last major showbiz events to be held before the Hollywood actors' strike was announced by industry union SAG.

  英国《卫报》的彼得-布拉德肖(Peter Bradshaw)对该片的评价也不高,只给了三颗星。

  他认为《芭比娃娃》是 "一部善意但自我意识很强的电影","偶尔非常搞笑,但有时也会莫名其妙地显得端庄和拘谨,似乎搞笑的冲动只能是刻薄和讽刺"。


  其他影评人的评价要积极得多。《滚石》杂志的大卫-费尔(David Fear)说,《芭比娃娃》"可能是 21 世纪颠覆性的大片",而《NME》杂志的亚历克斯-弗拉德(Alex Flood)则指出,剧本 "包含了意想不到的微妙之处"。

  《芭比娃娃》上周三在英国首映,这是在好莱坞演员工会 SAG 宣布罢工之前举行的最后一次大型演艺活动之一。


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