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2020-11-03 15:35   作者:万佳唯   阅读量:



  什么是尾款呢?这里有必要给石器时代的小伙伴(啊不是)解释一下:尾款指某项费用除了已交付的定金或前期付款而剩余未交的部分。很多电商为了冲销量会给支付定金的买家额外诱人的优惠,引得不计其数的仙女仙男无怨无悔地“剁手”。 其实,自从“双11”由“光棍节”逐渐演变为“全民购物狂欢节”,每年“过节”的方式都各不相同——花样年年有,今年特别多。这不,11月1日零点的“付尾款”就迎来了2020年“双11”的波小高潮。



  Advantages:1. No matter how the specific settlement method of the activity is, the final price of the goods is still much more preferential than usual, so consumers can buy cheaper goods.2.Large consumption for one time can make people feel happy.

  Disadvantages:1. Before the event, people will save money for online shopping or wait until midnight to pay the balance, which reduces the comfort of life.2. The atmosphere of nationwide shopping and the dazzling recommendation on the website are easy to induce people to break their budget and make impulsive consumption.


  Advantages:1. A shopping festival is a good time to solve the problem of overstock, especially for clothing industry and part of food industry.2. With the advantage of traffic data provided by the platform, the sales volume of many businesses has doubled than usual, boosting domestic demand.

  Disadvantages:1. The advertising cost of this period of shopping festival is also doubled than usual.2. After the festival, all kinds of refund and after-sales problems emerge one after another. Customer service needs to communicate with consumers about their issues, deal with aftermarket, and contact logistics, who is under great pressure.

  那么,平日里咱们耳熟能详的网购相关的词汇怎么用英语去表达呢? 尾款 final payment/ balance payment预付 prepayment定金 down payment订金 subscription发货 ship收货 take delivery of goods评价 write a review退款 refund售后 after sale会员 membership积分 credits卡券 coupon下单 place/make an order包裹 parcel揽收 collect materials霸王条款 imparity clause签收 deliver赔偿 compensate for货损 freight damage电子票据 electronic bill购物车 shopping cart赠品 (free) gift


  In many places online shopping is becoming a free-time activity,replacing the traditional hobbies of the past. Discuss the reasons for this development.Is this development positive or negative?

