很多同学在私下与朋友聊天时侃侃而谈,然而一上考场回答问题,就立刻心慌气短胃痉挛,大脑一片空白,一张嘴就词穷,好不容易憋出一两句话,还要被追问一句"Why?" 自我感觉非常可怜弱小又无助。
官方解释Fluency and coherence
官方在对Fluency and coherence的解释里,给出了这样一条提分建议:Build on your point of view by adding a few details.
(雅思官方关于Fluency and coherence的建议)
Q: What do you do?
A: I'm a teacher.
A: I have been a high school mathematics teacher in New York for over 5 years.
相比个回答,第二个回答明显给出了更多的细节:high school, mathematics, New York, 5 years。这些细节让整个回答更丰富、详尽,同时也更能展现出考生的口语能力("is willing to speak at length"是 "Fluency and coherence" 6分 对应的要求之一)。
例1:How did you spend your last Saturday?
大部分人给的答案都类似这样的:Well, I just stayed at home and did some housework.
但是"stay at home"是个很笼统、概括的说法,宅在家里也会做很多具体的事,赖个床(get up late)、做个饭(make breakfast/brunch)、洗个衣服(do the laundry)、追个剧(binge watch ...)、跟朋友聊会儿天(exchange some chitchat about ...)、无聊刷个微博朋友圈(mindlessly scroll on social media)······都属于stay at home。
Well, as a late sleeper, I got up at around 10 o'clock and made brunch for myself. Then I did the laundry while bing-watching a popular reality show. In the afternoon, I exchanged some chitchat about the show with my friend. And in the evening, I killed some time by mindlessly scrolling on social media. In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other Saturday.
例2:Are you a tidy person?
大部分人给的答案都类似这样的:No, I'm not this kind of person, because sometimes I mess up my room.
"mess up my room"同样是个比较笼统、概括的说法,衣服不收拾、鞋子东一只西一只、书桌很乱、东西随手放······都会让房间看起来比较杂乱,你是哪一种呢?
关于房间是否整洁,具体细节有:餐盘(a tray of flatware)放沙发上、咖啡桌上乱得像线下闲鱼交易现场(like a tiny garage sale)、给所有东西分类(sort ... by ...)/整理(organize vt.)/贴标签(label vt.),需要重新整理(straighten up vi.)、分门别类给衣服排序(organize vt.)
No, I'm not this kind of person, and most of the time my room is a little messy. I'm so used to putting clothes on the couch when I'm home, and it rarely occurs to me that I should sort or organize things in my bedroom. I just dislike straightening up.
最后,总结一下方法,那就是尽量避免过于笼统的表述,凡事说具体些,细节自然就有了,就达到"is willing to peak at length"这一要求了。