College entrance examination,在各个国家里,叫法各有不同。
在咱们这叫高考,在灯塔国有俩个版本,一个是ACT, which stands for American College Test,简言之,美国高考。
另一个是SAT, which stands for Scholastic Assessment Test,白话版本叫学业能力评估考试(这名字,来自江苏的各位考生,会不会回忆起高二时参加的小高考时所付出的汗水呢?)。
而在大腐国的版本则是A-level: General Certificate of Education Advanced Level,普通教育文凭水平。
不过,现在,“比赛”来到了第二环,填志愿(apply for the universities)。
在咱们这,每年填志愿都会弄出些大新闻(breaking news),有正面的,也有负面的,当然,大多数,只是些令人惊讶(astonishing)的罢了。
一时间,一堆键盘侠(keyboard warriors)从各个角度,各种层面,否定着别人的人生选择,并得意洋洋道:“小女孩家家的,什么都不懂,被xxxx骗了,以后肯定会后悔的”。
我们真正可以去“抒发”下情感的,倒不如是这个现在 ,一定程度上,还充满着选择的社会。
some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.
Well,的确,现今社会,选择的确是多了,不相信的亲,可以尝试下在5分钟之内,任意网购一件产品—每天挑外卖都不止五分钟。可题目里这个too many,内含贬义过多了,这我可就不认同喽!
Admittedly, we now live in a world where daily choices become so ubiquitous that sometimes some of us feel it is annoying to make choices in nearly every second. Nevertheless, all these choices are established on the affluent resources that we have in the modern society. And, the options we consider to be usual right now may only make sense in the contemporary era. For example, most recently, after the college entrance exam, A functional advanced education system provide Chinese students with varies majors and universities choices. Hence, rather than complaining about it, we should cherish the existing choices.