以C11T1P3 Q37-40的几道题为例,为各位展开陈述。这篇文章的标题是:
Reducing the Effects of Climate Change
——Mark Rowe reports on the increasingly ambitious geo-engineering projects being
explored by scientists
如果有兴趣的同学可以翻开C11T1P3跟着老师一起来看这几道题的关键信息。在读取题干的过程中我们需要进行关键词的选取,以37题为例:The effects of geo-engineering may not be long-lasting. 这个statement想表述的是geo-engineering的效果也许不是持久的,那么想强调的是effect和not long-lasting这样的陈述,所以本题我们要关注的就是这两个词/词组。其他题目同理,在这里老师也将其他几题的关键信息进行了标红。
Match each statement with the correct scientist, A-D.
Write the correct letter, A-D, in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.
37、The effects of geo-engineering may not be long-lasting.
38、Geo-engineering is a topic worth exploring.
39、It may be necessary to limit the effectiveness of geo-engineering projects.
40、Research into non-fossil-based fuels cannot be replaced by geo-engineering.
读完题干的陈述之后我们确定之后在利用人名定位的时候要重点比对的关于geo-engineering的四个信息即:(1)效果不持久 (2)值得探索 (3)需要限制效果 (4)无法替代非化石燃料的探索
第二步是需要进行A,B,C,D四个选项在原文中的定位,这里我们需要注意的是在人名配对题中,人名出现的频次不止一次,也即在一个paragraph中可能出现不止一次,或者在不同paragraph中出现同一个人名,那么为了方便起见,我们通常会将一个paragraph中多次出现的人名记录为一次,在多个paragraph中出现才记为多次,举个例子,假如Brian Waldron这个人名在段中出现了3次,我们可以将其简化为一次,而同样是Brian Waldron这个人名在段和第三段中都出现了,我们认为是出现了两次。同时我们要注意的是人名在原文中不光是会以full name的形式出现,还会在文中以以下几种形式呈现:
Full name: Brian Waldron
名 First name(不常见)
姓 surname:Professor Smith
List of Scientists
A. Roger Angel
B. Phil Rasch
C. Dan Lunt
D. Martin Sommerkorn
以段落为单位进行扫读后我们发现Roger Angel次出现是在B段倒数第三行:
The most eye-catching idea of all is suggested by Professor Roger Angel of the University of Arizona. His scheme would employ up to 16 trillion minute spacecraft, each weighing about one gram, to form a transparent, sunlight-refracting sunshade in an orbit 1.5 million km above the Earth. This could, argues Angel, reduce the amount of light reaching the Earth by two per cent.
但是这里我们并没有找到题干中的关键词,所以Roger Angel应该在后面的段落中还会出现,应该继续往下找,同时可以带着B项的人名一起来查找,因为我们无法确定在后面的段落中Roger Angel先出现还是Phil Rasch先出现。
Angel says that his plan is no substitute for developing renewable energy:the only permanent solution’.
原文中所强调的是renewable energy是无法被his plan替代的的solution,所以我们发现这里有我们要找的40题的同义替换即renewable energy和 non-fossil-based fuels,比对的过程中也发现阐述是一致的所以40题的答案为A。
同时在这一段中我们也发现了B项人名Phil Rasch的出现:
Dr Phil Rasch……: ‘l think all of us agree that if we were to end geo-engineering on a given day, then the planet would return to its pre-engineered condition very rapidly and probably within ten to twenty years. T1at's certainly something to worry about.’ 这句话中的return to ……rapidly刚好强调的是小伙不会持久(not long-lasting)的陈述,所以B项是37题的答案。
接下来我们应该寻找的是C项 Dan Lunt这一人名,在浏览到G段是出现了这一人名:
‘A further risk with geo-engineering projects is that you can “overshoot” ,’says Dr Dan Lunt, ……To avoid such a scenario, Lunt says Angel's project would have to operate at half strength,all of which reinforces his view that the best option is to avoid the need for geo-engineering altogether.
在文章中Dan Lunt表明的观点是geo-engineering的风险是overshoot,需要avoid the need for geo-engineering altogether也就是题干中39题limit the effectiveness的同义表述,所以C项是39题的答案。
同样的方法我们会得到38题应该对应到的是D项Martin Sommerkorn。
即在H段的倒数第四行我们首先找到了人名Martin Sommerkorn,原文观点如下:
According to Dr Marcin Sommerkorn, climate change advisor for the World Wildlife Fund’s International Arctic Program, 'Human-induced climate change has brought humanity to a position where we shouldn’t exclude thinking thoroughly about this topic and its possibilities.’
引用部分我们看到了shouldn’t exclude thinking thoroughly about this topic和38题的题干陈述是一致的。
综上,这道题的最后答案分别是37.B 38.D 39.C 40.A 通过刚刚这几道题的讲解相信大家已经掌握了一些人名配对题的技巧,其实词配题都可以遵循这样的做题步骤。
1. 读statement划关键词,
2. 根据人名定位,以段落为单位扫读文章定位人名,
3. 读原文人名所在句,快速配对statement关键词,从而选出答案。
4. 合理利用选项顺序性进行定位。