Ideas: The Author's Message)。
▲ 直接信息题(ExplicitMeaning),该类题型能够直接从文本中找到信息,题目中通常出现如下字眼“Accordingto the passage," "states," "indicates,"等。
如:Theauthors indicate that people value gift-giving because they feel it…?
▲ 隐含信息题(ImplicitMeaning),该类题型需要理解文本的隐含意思,题目中通常出现如下字眼“basedon the passage,” "it can reasonably be inferred,""implies," 等。如:Basedon the passage, the author's statement "…" impliesthat…?
▲ 类比题(Analogy),考察对文本内容特征的把握及应用,如“Whichof the following situations is most analogous to the relationshipmentioned in line 5 to 10?
2、文本论据的考查:循证题(CitingTextual Evidence),要求为上一题的答案寻找论据或者为某个结论提供论据。
如:Whichchoice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previousquestion? (寻找上一题答案论据),或者Inlines 46-50("Prosecutions…sens"),whatis the most likely reason Jordan draws a distinction between twotypes of "parties"? (为某个结论提供论据)
▲ 中心思想/主旨题(CentralIdea/ Theme),是对整篇文章的主旨或段落中心思想的考察。如:Thecentral claim of the passage is that…?(对整篇文章主旨的考察),或者Thecentral idea of the fourth paragraph (line35-57)isthat…?(对段落中心思想的考察);
▲ 小结题(Summary),对整篇文章或段落的小结,如:Whichchoice best summarizes the passage?
▲ 关系题(Relationship),考察人物,事件,观点之间的因果,对比,递进等关系,如:Whichchoice best describes the relationship between neurons andcelebrities?
▲ 单词/词组释义题(InterpretingWords and Phrases in Context),顾名思义,即是对单词、词组意思的考察。如:Asused in line 10, "intense" most nearly means…?