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Everything is Chinese全是中国的

2012-02-25 12:23     作者 :    


Everything is Chinese全是中国的

Eliot was a food manufacturer who was married and had a marvelous wife He served as a marine when he was young and had a group of mates Eliots company manufactured marine products Manufacturing was an industry with massive profit margins, and so Eliot and his wife were quite rich However, they didnt have a child, and tried to mask their disappointment in front of their friends Sometimes they had to put on a mask of happiness when they were with each other In the end, they decided to adopt a child from China Eliot was interested in Marxist philosophy and was called a Marxist by his friends, as he always wanted to visit China They saw this little girl sitting on a mat doing mathematical problems and liked her instantly The little girl looked mature for her age, and wanted to become a mathematician when she matured Eliot started to learn Chinese, and even mated their dog to a dog from China



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