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Sky at Night夜晚的天空

2012-02-27 18:59     作者 :    


Sky at Night夜晚的天空

Sky observation is an interesting activity, there can be no objection to that Its obvious that observing sky is as harmless as anything can be Sky observers dont cause any problems for the environment or set up things that might become obstacles to their neighbors Their objective is simple, to catch a glimpse of the occasional exciting occurrences in the sky As this is done mostly at nighttime, they wont occupy their working hours with this hobby, so it doesnt interfere with their occupation Of course, there are occasions when they stay up too late and thus arrive late for work, or on occasions, fall asleep while at work This might occasion some trouble with their bosses, but from an objective point of view, who else doesnt run into troubles like that occasionally? When they take out their telescopes and watch the sky peacefully, its our obligation not to disturb them If they want us to share the pleasure they obtain from discovery, why not just oblige them?

对天空进行观察是一项有趣的活动,对此没有人会有异议。很显然,观察天空有百利而无一弊。天空观察者不会对环境造成任何损害,或建什么东西来妨碍邻居。他们的目的很简单,就是为了捕捉天空中偶尔出现的激动人心的事件。由于这种活动大都在晚上进行,他们不会因为这种业余爱好而占用工作时间,所以不会影响他们的工作。  当然,有时候他们会熬夜熬得太晚,结果会出现上班迟到,或者有时会在上班时打瞌睡。这可能会让老板生气,可是从客观的角度来说,谁不会偶尔遇上这样的麻烦呢?当他们拿出望远镜安安静静地观察天空时,我们有责任不去打扰他们。如果他们想让我们共享从发现中获得的乐趣,为什么不帮他们这个忙呢?


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